This is a Must See! How Gennady Golovkin Shocked America With His Power!

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In this issue, I will tell you about the toughest and most spectacular knockout from Gennady Golovkin. So be sure to watch video to the very end, because it will be interesting! Let’s start.

Perhaps Gennady Golovkin is not the most technical and inventive boxer in the world in defense, even if reproaches in his direction for constantly inexperienced opponents have good reason. BUT!!! What exactly cannot be reproached for is his courage, fighting spirit, attacking, colorful style and the instinct of a real predator!!!

План Сырского

В последнее время СМИ буквально заполонили сообщения о «мирных планах» и готовности к переговорам с Россией всех, кому не лень. Но есть один нюанс — все хотят мира на своих условиях, ко...