Social Signals & Social Shares Checker Tool - Counter Social Networks

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What Are Social Signals & Social Shares?

Social Signals & Social Shares are one of the most important metrics for a website to monitor, if they consider user engagement to be paramount. Google gives more and more value to your Social Media appearance.

The more you spread your site in all social media platforms (Social Networks) like Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Mail.Ru, Tumblr, and Buffer the more traffic you will get. Your rankings will increase and site authority will be raised. Social Signals & Social Shares - It’s a way to measure discovery, a way to measure viral exposure, and a way to influence future visitors. If a user recommend your site to his audience it is counted as a Social Signal.

So how to do you track social signals, for your website or for someone else’s? Here are Free tool (Counter Social Networks) you can use.

✔  Social Signals Checker Free Tool

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