SQ3R Reading Strategy And How to Apply It

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The SQ3R Method is a time-tested formula for taking notes, reading and remembering what you have read. It is designed to help you retain information and bring out the full meaning of what you read by encouraging active reading and comprehension of text.

Illustration by Productive Fish

What is the SQ3R Reading Method?

The SQ3R reading strategy is an acronym for “Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review.” It is a simple four-step reading strategy that will help you make better use of your time and become a more effective learner.

Key Benefits of the SQ3R Study Method

It has been demonstrated that the SQ3R study approach offers pupils a variety of advantages. The following are SQ3R's primary characteristics:

- optimizing studying time

- enhancing concentration

- improving comprehension and memory retention

How to Use the SQ3R Reading Strategy?

You must be thinking at this point how to use this fantastic strategy in your academic work. The following five stages can help you read and study more effectively with SQ3R:

1. Survey the material.

2. Question your understanding of the material.

3. Read through it (rapidly if possible).

4. Reflect and relate what you’re learning to previous knowledge.

5. Review for future use.

Understand Better What You Read

The SQ3R method is simple, but highly effective. By using this strategy, you’ll be able to enhance your reading comprehension and enjoy learning even more than ever before!

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