Conscientious Objector: How the Anonymous Followers of Edward Snowden Accuse International Corruption in Russia

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Русская версия

We are still investigating the terrible corrupt trails by national-traitors and their Western allies leading to disrupt the Russian defence capacity. But every corrupt scheme despite frankpledge and individual profits contains an actor whose main gains are justice and fairness instead of black moneymaking. And such person is just looking for a moment to spread out his or her civil duty. So let the story begin!

…In July, 2016 the USA was scandalized by the Democratic National Committee servers’ cyberattack extruded 44,053 Democratic Party’s messages (including strong Hillary Clinton’s blackmail). Finally this failure caused Clinton’s lose in 2016 presidential run, as well as Trump’s balancing on the edge of impeachment accused for the ‘Russian ties’. According to the Democrats and mainstream media, the ‘Kremlin-backed Russian hackers’ set the cyberattack. But on May, 2017 the FoxNews channel reported that probably it was the Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich who sent this email massive to WikiLeaks more than a year ago.

According to his personal photo with the U.S. flag and in 'stars-and-stripes' clothes, Seth was the real U.S. patriot who just wanted to restore justice, being shocked by Clinton’s corruption. Soon after that he was murdered by unidentified persons in Washington, and homicide investigation still has no result…

Why did we write such a large prologue? It means, every dishonest company always employs a staffer that could follow Edward Snowden's way.

Last week we published an article described corruption in the distribution of the German lubricating systems Lincoln GmbH via its dealers, the Russian LTD companies 'Gidrolink' (Гидролинк) and ‘Kontactnaya Mekhanika’ (Контактная механика). According to our last investigation, after the dealing of the defective lubricating systems the strategic mining industry got a billion roubles loss. When we published this investigation text, one of its antagonists, Vladimir Gydt (Владимир Гидт) contacted us. Having communicated with him, we decided to continue our investigation with conclusive evidences and expert opinions additionally.

According to journalism principles, we tried to inquire a comment of the Lincoln GmbH reseller in Russia. Its name was SKF JSC (rus. ЗАО СКФ), although our sources insisted its name was Lincoln Rus (Линкольн Рус). The reason was that the Swedish company SKF, which is known as the creator of Volvo cars in the past, have bought the German company Lincoln GmbH, so its reseller rights moved to SKF JSC (rus. ЗАО СКФ). Thus, we inquired it to comment our corruption claims.

Our press inquire had no answer, but soon we got an email from anonymous mailbox with audio file and text description of the SKF plans of the all-Russian economic disrupt. Accordingly, the Russian SKF reseller is likely to set up a monopoly and increase its machinery price for the Russian market.

* * *

But let’s put our claims in a chronological order.

In 1992 the company called SKF JSC (rus. ЗАО СКФ) was established as the official Russian reseller of the Swedish SKF production. Nowadays its director is Anatoly Nikolaevich Usov (Анатолий Николаевич Усов). For instance, after 2016 the Uralvagonzavod JSC bought the SKF machinery for approximately 1 billion roubles, which can be proved by lots of official trade contracts.

And what did ‘Edvard Snowden from SKF’ record on the tape he sent to us? According to the accompanying text comments, the SKF JSC director Anatoly Usov with its HR department head Ruslan Petrov and the unknown to our source Swedesh man, from one side, are having a discussion with another side — Konstantin Voznesensky, who is the local representative of SKF JSC in the Ural region (due to the corporate website info).

Piteously, instead of discussing the Swedish meatballs in Yekaterinburg IKEA restaurant, these three angry men, on one side, oblige Mr Voznesensky that all claims for corruption and unconditional reselling, which were mentioned in our article, were bullshit. And Voznesensky, from their point of view, had made a corrupt deal with the SKF reseller in Sverdlovskaya oblast, Technoinjiniring LTD (rus. ООО Техноинжиринг) in order to discredit the SKF JSC partners: 'Gidrolink' (Гидролинк) and ‘Kontactnaya Mekhanika’ LTD (that have already appeared in our investigation).

Additionally Voznesensky was offered to blame all the guilty on the other person (whose role and corporate position weren’t described in the accompanying comments). Hence, the question is why Mr Usov was trying to protect the company that was identified as ‘unfair reseller’ at their own website? Was it a corrupt deal, men’s friendship — or something worse?

Also the audiotape contains a fragment, where Mr Usov and Mr Petrov intent to send the Swedish side the personal IDs of Mr Voznesensky, including the tax privacy and outlaw extracted archive data about Mr Voznesensky’s relatives. Then the Swedish man speaking English agrees to get and use these data soon. Juridically, Articles 275-276 of the Criminal Code of Russia prohibit sending out the data like that to foreign countries; also these articles were broken by Vladimir Gydt, who illegally sent the secret Uralmashzavod documents to Ukraine.

But let’s return to our investigation. Our source assumes that this way the Russian SKF JSC authorities are going to destroy all resellers’ network created by ‘Lincoln Rus’ and fire the most principle staffer in order to replace it by the puppet network ‘Tek-kom’ totally controlled by SKF JSC and personally Mr Usov.

Therefore we assume that pushing this plan up, the Russian SKF management decided to use the doubtful reputation companies who wanted to restore their resellers’ status — in order to make all dirty work disgracing the honest resellers by these alien hands. And then their reseller-restore applies would be rejected because of… their doubtful reputation! What a great anti-Russian superplan!

But why we shame it as ‘anti-Russian’? And why does Mr Usov destroy the independent reseller network exchanging it by his puppet agents? The reason is to make up a monopoly and increase the prices of the SKF machineries on the Russian market — including the price for the SKF bearing units and lubrication systems, which delivered, among the others, to Uralvagonzavod fabricating the T-90 tanks.

Would the Russian economics have any profit after that? No.

Neither would the Swedish SKF company.

Although Mr Usov’s profit looks likely, as well as our Western partners’ one. If the West hadn’t disrupted Russia by sanctions, the national-trators to help!

* * *

To realize these enormous plans, SKF JSC created the ‘Tek-kom’ group of companies — a strange mass of half-life legal entities that are registrated even not in all social welfare funds (despite Russian law regulations). The structure of their financial audit annuals looks like ‘one day firm’ leading to criminal benefits legalization and transferring them abroad.

The structure of these ‘one day firms’ network’s founders and beneficiaries makes clear that all of them are being managed by one or several unidentified persons and foreign capital. It’s totally unreasonable why all the founders of the ‘Tek-kom’ group of companies are jointly SKF JSC (99%) and SKF Eurotrade Aktiebolag / Sweden (1%), while the 100%-founder of SKF JSC is… SKF Eurotrade Aktiebolag / Sweden! The group of companies has founded itself, hasn’t it? Wait! But why? Such recursion could be used for tax evasion and profit laundry.

But that’s not the end of the story. Most of the ‘Tek-kom’ structure directors are likely to be nominal persons (puppet directors). For instance, in the meanwhile the director of the TEK-KOM South LTD (rus. ООО «ТЕК-КОМ Юг») is the funder of 10 another companies which financial annuals look like the benefit abroad transfer process.

All these claims could be proved by the Russian legal entities open databases like Spark or Contur-Foсus.

Therefore, de facto SKF JSC leading by Anatoly Usov is the organizator of suspicious group of companies with foreign capital participates, dealing with our defense industry moreover.

* * *

The State Duma (the lower Russian parliament chamber) Deputy Evgeny Alexeevich Fyodorov (Евгений Алексеевич Фёдоров), who is one of the well-known Putin’s supporters and leading the biggest pro-Putin ‘National independence movement’ (rus. Национально-освободительное движение; НОД) with 20 thousand activists all over Russia, commented for us on this case:

‘Instead of small business, there is no national business in Russia nowadays. We must change our economic system principles according to Vladimir Putin’s presidential regulations, including his regulation № 208 setting up the strategy of the Russian economic defence up to 2030. By the way, this document requires ‘economical sovereignty protection’ towards to the liquidation of the one-pole world order. We also need to nullify the Central Bank Rate and move Russian business to Russian jurisdiction by its deoffshorization. In complex all this could be marked as decolonisation policy, which means the restoration of our sovereignty fallen in 1991’, Fyodorov says.

* * *

May be Mr Usov is honest and honorable person and that anonymous audiotape was the revenge of one angry and evil staffer? That might be. But if you fill in a phrase ‘SKF JSC reviews’ in the websearch engine, the result would be awful: corruption, frankpledge, nepotism:

Except its name, there’s nothing ‘Swedish’ in this company. Its principles are similar to our ‘sovok’ [communist totalitarianism]. The eternal head and the author of these principles is Usov-senior. And now his nephew is also in high status. Plus all sorts of relatives and friends are in warm places. Thus, the company was turned into a family business. All the rest are like arrive-and-departure gastarbeiters. Turnover is huge. And it is unlikely that anything could change until the Usovs and their relatives are at power. If you need a place to crash, you can work here. Anyone who wants to achieve something has nothing to do in SCF.

By the way, one of these reviews answers the quest who could recorder an audiotape in the anonymous email we began from:

HR manager (Ruslan) is inadequate both as a person and as a professional. By the way, while he was speaking with us, he always turned the tape recorder on. Why? The reason is unclear. He openly said that if the head wanted to replace the staffer, the one would be fired on the same day.

Negative comments on SKF JSC and personally Mr Usov were lasting since 2013 till the present day.

* * *

Let’s make a conclusion! That is how our Western partners, playing with the greediness of our national-traitors, are going to disrupt Russian machine building industry. And among losers are you and I, because if the defective bearing crashes in metro or train car, it would be a harmful disaster!

Your last question would be: and what can personally I do with all bullshit like that? To become a Snowden, you mustn’t live on Hawaii! If you have any facts about corruption or national betrayal, just contact us! Let the country know its heroes!

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  • bezuhoff
  • Сегодня 08:24
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