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put two and two together

If you put two and two together, you correctly guess the truth about something from the information that you have.

He put two and two together and guessed what the police were searching for.

Note: You can say that someone puts two and two together and makes five, to mean that they guess something more exciting or interesting than the truth.

Mr Lane's solicitor said that the police had put two and two together and made five.

read between the lines

If you read between the lines, you understand what someone really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not stated openly.

He didn't go into details, but reading between the lines it appears that he was forced to leave.

Note: You can also talk about what is between the lines.

He didn't give a reason, but I sensed something between the lines.

take something on board

If you take an idea, suggestion, or fact on board, you understand it or accept it. [BRITISH]

Note: The literal meaning of this expression is to take something onto a boat or ship.

I listened to them, took their comments on board, and then made the decision.

up to speed

If you are up to speed, you have all the latest information about something.

We try to keep people entertained and up to speed with what's going on in town.

Note: You can say that you bring someone up to speed, or that they get up to speed when you give them all the latest information about something.

I guess I should bring you up to speed on what's been happening since I came to see you yesterday. The president has been getting up to speed on foreign policy.


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