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at cross purposes

If two people are at cross purposes, they think they are talking about or trying to do the same thing as each other, but they are actually talking about or trying to do different things.

They had been talking at cross purposes earlier, he realized. They hadn't been offering him a share of the deal at all.

come out of your shell

If you come out of your shell, you become less shy and more confident.

Note: The image here is of a snail or shellfish, both of which go into their shells for protection.

She used to be very timid and shy but I think she's come out of her shell.

Note: You can say that someone or something brings you out of your shell when they cause you to be less shy and more confident.

I think the job has brought her out of her shell.

find common ground

If two people or groups who generally disagree find common ground, they find a particular subject or opinion that they agree about.

Both leaders were keen to stress that they were seeking to find common ground.

from the horse's mouth

If you get a piece of information from the horse's mouth, you get it directly from someone who is involved in it and knows the most about it.

Note: This expression may refer to the fact that you can tell a horse’s age by looking at its teeth.

When he tells them, straight from the horse's mouth, what a good assistant you are, they'll increase your wages.


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Невоенный анализ-81. Разбитые мрии. 6 марта 2025

Традиционный дисклеймер: Я не военный, не анонимный телеграмщик, не Цицерон, тусовки от меня в истерике, не учу Генштаб воевать, генералов не увольняю, в «милитари порно» не снимаюсь, ...

Кажется, ученые прошли мимо мирового открытия на Русской равнине, которому нет цены
  • pretty
  • Вчера 08:39
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