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Английские идиомы - только важные (20)

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Starting and stopping (1)

call it a day

1. If you call it a day, you decide to stop doing something you have been doing that day.

I searched for hours but I had to call it a day when it got dark.

Note: In the evening, people sometimes say that they are going to call it a night.

Tomorrow is going to be busy, so let's call it a night.

2. If someone calls it a day, they retire from their job.

It's no secret I want his job when he calls it a day.

call it quits

If you call it quits, you decide to stop doing something or stop being involved in something.

The nightclub stays open until the last customer is ready to call it quits.

cut your losses

If you cut your losses, you decide to stop spending time, energy, or money on an activity or situation on which you have already spent a lot without having any success.

Competition in the market was very strong, so we decided to cut our losses and close the business.

enough is enough

People say enough is enough when they think that something, usually something bad, should stop.

How much longer will we allow ourselves to be insulted before saying enough is enough?

from scratch

If you do something or start something from scratch, you create something completely new, rather than adding to something that already exists.

Note: In the past, the starting line for races was often a line scratched in the earth.

He would rather start again from scratch with new rules, new members, and a new electoral system.

grind to a halt

If a process or an activity grinds to a halt, it gradually becomes slower or less active until it stops.

The peace process has ground to a halt.

Note: This expression refers to the way metal parts, for example in an engine, rub together and make a noise when they are not oiled well enough.


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