Английские идиомы - только важные (12)

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make a mountain out of a molehill

If someone makes a mountain out of a molehill, they talk or complain about a small, unimportant problem as if it is important and serious.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill - it's really not a big deal.

on the back burner

If you put a project or issue on the back burner, you decide not to do anything about it until a later date.

People's dreams have once again been put on the back burner as they concern themselves with surviving from one day to the next.

Note: Different prepositions allow you to use the  back burner in other ways with a similar meaning.

Healthcare workers worry that the expense will push this issue onto a back burner.

In this climate, website development is an obvious candidate for the back burner.

play it by ear

If you play it by ear, you deal with things as they happen, rather than following a plan or previous arrangement.

Note: If someone plays a piece of music by ear, they play it without looking at printed music.

'Where will we stay in Gloucestershire?' 'Oh, I'm not sure yet. We'll have to play it by ear'.

sit on the fence

If you sit on the fence, you refuse to give a definite opinion about something or to say who you support in an argument.

Note: The fence referred to is one that separates two properties or territories and someone sitting on it is unable or unwilling to make a decision about which side to stand on.

Which do you prefer: chocolate or vanilla ice-cream? You can't sit on the fence and say you like both of them equally.

Note: Verbs such as stay and be can be used instead of sit.

Democrats who'd been on the fence about the nomination, in the end all voted for him.


Заговорите на английском как на родном:


Учите английский не вставая с дивана!

Симоньян, развёрнуто

Нет, я это отдельной публикацией сделаю. Это слабоумное, вместо того, чтобы сидеть у постели лежащего в коме мужа, нарядилось и запилило интервью. Вот выдержка https://t.me/rogers_kitchen/14853 ...

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