Английские идиомы - только важные (14)

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break the ice

If a person, event or activity breaks the ice, they make people feel more relaxed and comfortable in a social situation.

Note: This refers to the need to break the ice around a ship before it is able to sail.

This exercise is usually good fun and can help break the ice for a new, and perhaps rather anxious, group.

Note: An ice-breaker is something that you say or do to break the ice.

This presentation, with a few additional jokes, was a good ice-breaker.

get off on the wrong foot

If you get off on the wrong foot, you start a relationship or an activity badly.

Note: The ‘wrong foot’ refers to the left foot. There is an ancient superstition that the left side of the body is connected with bad luck and evil.

We got off on the wrong foot the first time I met him, but that's all forgotten now.

Note: You can also say start o ff on the wrong foot.

Their relationship had started off on the wrong foot.

get on like a house on fire

If two people get on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends.

Note: This expression uses the image of an old wooden house burning suddenly and strongly.

I went over and struck up a conversation, and we got on like a house on fire.


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