ACHAIN has more than 23 international master nodes and more than 3000 active nodes

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As of 12:00 on December 8, 2020, the ACHAIN public chain has more than 23 main nodes, with more than 3000 active nodes, and the block height has successfully exceeded the 66590 milestone. This means that since ACHAIN officially launched the open public chain mining and the COINKOL exchange on September 24, it has attracted the attention of all walks of life in the industry and has also received the participation and support of many active nodes around the world.

According to industry expert Kevin Garnett, “ACHAIN is currently showing a continuous burst of development. It not only integrates ecological partners in finance, the Internet, science and technology, and internationally renowned university teams to jointly carry out technological development and development of cloud computing and smart contracts. The layout of the landing application has also attracted many active miners around the world to participate in AC mining. The specific ecological partners are not available to be disclosed before the official announcement."

What is ACHAIN?

Digital assets and mining mechanism:

AChain (Multi-Intelligent Chain, hereinafter referred to as AC) is a new encrypted digital asset based on CTC's improved algorithm, which uses an innovative MPOW multi-track mixed operation mining mechanism. This mechanism can limit the threshold for participating in mining, and through this mechanism can effectively avoid the monopoly of computing power, reduce the amount of digital currency flowing into the market, and increase the income of miners. Converting miners from the original competition to a cooperative relationship makes AC more secure and credible, so that the value of AC can continue to grow.

A decentralized public chain constructed with smart contracts:

AC will strive to build a completely decentralized public chain system built with smart contracts, and develop a blockchain ecosystem for commercial applications. Rely on AC's smart contract to create a brand-new business model and solve the shortcomings of the current traditional business model.

ACHAIN Public Chain

Landing ecological applications with "cloud computing + smart contract" as the core:

AChain is committed to the integration and upgrading of blockchain technology and cloud computing, creating an innovative "blockchain cloud computing center + home terminal computing ecology" model, and supporting end users to participate in the "blockchain + cloud computing" new network infrastructure project. Use the blockchain to reward operators with digital assets to provide enterprises and individuals with efficient and low-cost network computing services;

At the same time, smart contracts will be applied to various financial/Internet/technology and other comprehensive fields to empower the overall upgrade of major industries.

Technical advantages of ACHAIN public chain:

Using 32M as a large block, the technology of generating blocks every 1 minute greatly expands the efficiency of the network, which is 40 times that of the BTC network TPS;

Using segregated witness technology, the second-layer lightning network technology can be built on the main network technology to provide technical guarantee for convenient small and fast payments in the future

Mixed topology multi-track segmentation network will be adopted for large-scale node calculation, HNCTC has built a strong privacy and anonymous transfer program

Based on the MPoW/PoW mining model, the security of the entire network data book is guaranteed;

Innovatively designed multi-track hybrid applications, which will be widely used in demanding commercial fields in the future;

Future outlook:

According to foreign media interviews, Steve of the ACHAIN team said: “ACHAIN adheres to the concept of decentralization. With the establishment of the global AC enthusiast community + the expansion of the computing power network, AC tokens will attract more nodes to participate in the construction of the ACHAIN network. Multi-party ecological roles such as "calculation-output-confirmation-reward" derive more network ecology, form mature business application logic, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the ACHAIN network. The in-depth cooperation between the ACHAIN team and multi-party ecological partners will promote multi-party resource sharing, technical exchanges, project incubation, blockchain technology application and industrial development, and jointly promote the ecological development of ACHAIN and promote industry progress. "

How will ACHAIN's future ecology develop? And what kind of positive impact will it bring to the development of the blockchain industry? Let us continue to pay attention and look forward to it together!

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