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FLL Holdings reached strategic cooperation with LQD gateway and Filecoin miners

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Filecoin has become the hottest digital currency in the currency circle, and it is also the largest dividend period for participating in investment returns. Currently Filecoin miners are facing high gas fees and pledge currency issues, which affect the normal mining of miners!

Led by FLL Holdings Co., Ltd., together with Liquid Gates Gateway and Filecoin miners (miner nodes f03176 f02726 f095998 f025017 f0143551) reached a strategic cooperation to jointly create a new ecological business model and solve Filecoin miners’gas fees and pledged currency problems. Normal mining; it can also allow the Liquid Gates gateway to have more consensus; it can also allow FLL Holdings Co., Ltd. investors to have stable and long-term income, and achieve a win-win situation for the three parties! The entire project has entered the preparatory stage and will soon be launched globally!

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