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50 Scientific Studies Proving The Benefits Of Meditation

By 2022 more than 6700 scientific studies have been conducted on the topic of meditation. Scientists have found that meditation causes changes at all levels of human functioning, from psychological to molecular. This article summarizes the most significant studies about effects of meditation on humans.

Meditation reduces oxidative stress and slows cell aging

Oxidative stress is a damage of cells caused by free radicals. Normally it is counteracted by antioxidants, but if they are lacking in the body, the balance is disturbed, cells are damaged and the process of premature aging begins.

A group of Indian scientists conducted a study on the effect of meditation and yoga on biomarkers of cellular aging1. After 12 weeks of regular practice, a decrease in cortisol, ROS, IL-6 - markers of oxidative stress was found, which causes premature cell destruction. At the same time, concentration of beta-endorphin, sirtuin-1(sirt1), which promotes metabolism and cell survival, increased. Thus, in just 3 months, meditation and yoga significantly reduced premature aging and cell destruction.

Learn more: https://en.meditation.study/me...

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Террористы из-за моря

После Великой Французской революции масса эмигрантов оказалась в Европе, за пределами превратившегося в республику королевства. Они участвовали в организации интервенци против Франции е...