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Asanas and benefits of yoga for athletes

Sports activities are associated with intense physical and mental strain. Yoga for athletes helps relax the body and mind, enhance athletic performance, improve flexibility and concentration. Hatha Yoga is an excellent injury prevention and aids in rapid post-injury recovery.

Why Hatha Yoga Classes Are Good for Athletes

Regular yoga classes help to bring the body and mind into harmony, as the movements in yoga (if done correctly) do not lead to tension and imbalances in the body. The benefits of yoga for athletes are supported not only by ancient texts, but also by modern research.

Improved Range of Motion, Balance and Flexibility

Training (depending on the sport) involves regularly exercising certain muscle groups. Repetitive movements cause some muscles and tendons to become stronger, while other muscles may become weaker and shorter. Limited mobility can subsequently affect movement technique and increase the risk of injury. During yoga classes, the main muscle groups, ligaments, and tendons are alternately used, which expands the range of motion and improves flexibility. In a 2016 study, 26 male athletes were divided into two groups. The first group practiced yoga twice a week and the second group only did the main sport. According to the results of the study, the first group showed significant improvements in balance and flexibility compared to the control group.

Strengthening Cortical Muscles

Many sports workouts more actively work the muscles of the front surface of the body – the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps and quadriceps. At the same time, less attention is paid to the muscles of the back surface of the body. In yoga, the muscles of the back of the body, along with the front muscles, get involved in work. The muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, buttocks and calves become stronger, thus also strengthening the cortical muscles.

Learn more: https://en.pranam.center/yoga/...

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