How To Stop Procrastinating

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What Is Procrastination?

The term "procrastination" comes from the Latin word "procrasare," meaning to put off for tomorrow. Procrastination is carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to ones that are urgent or important or delaying decisions. There are 3 types of procrastination:

- Classic procrastination

- Creative avoidance

- Priority dilution

Why Do People Procrastinate?

The question how to stop procrastination is quite spread nowadays as an everyday human activity. Studies have shown that it is not due to indifference or poor management.

What is it about, then?

- Prioritizing short-term mood is delaying a task if you don't feel like performing it right away to improve your immediate mood.

- Being bored or disliking a task or series of duties.

- Being concerned about your ability to do the assignment and how others will see your effort.

- Having an underlying illness, like depression.

- Having little energy

- Being in a distracting setting makes it difficult to focus.

4 Tips on How to Stop Procrastinating

We provide four ways how to avoid procrastination:

1. Break down the steps.

2. Work in blocks.

3. Set the bar low.

4. Reward yourself for taking action.

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