The last “turkish” warning from NATO and the policy of double standarts

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The theme of the failed coup in Turkey do not descend from pages of the tabloids and screens of news channels. The recent unprecedented cleansing, which gave Erdogan to the ranks of the military, lawyers, and, what is unusual - the employees of the higher school, has caused a wave of righteous anger and indignation among colleagues of Turkey in NATO.

Media stir up panic and demonize the image of Erdogan. Not surprising, since the outage and blocking military contingent of the Alliance in the Incirlik – the decision to put it mildly, unfriendly, from the point of view of the unit itself. Especially if it comes against the backdrop of the renewed friendship with Russia and the failed coup. That at the airbase hid the rebels, and why they were hiding there, of course, is preferable to forget. But more on that later.

The fact that the coup failed, opened a whole huge field for the imagination of journalists and pseudo-analysts. There are a lot of ideas, and they are all colorful. So, Erdogan organized a coup himself, just to consolidate his power. Immediately in contradiction with a previous comes the news about the Russian special services saved Erdogan from death. On the first day after the failed coup in its organization accused Russia at all. If I may say so, in various eccentric media lately is a part of a trend in either event - to track "hand of the Kremlin", especially there is a sin of the Ukrainian mass media with President Poroshenko at the helm.

The most truthful of them all, and cannot be disregarded, is the news that NATO is considering the suspension of Turkey's membership in the Alliance. Reuters quoted NATO Secretary General Jen Stoltenberg about no one inside the block yet (!) has discussed the question of whether to exclude Turkey from its ranks. He stressed that Turkey must bring its actions in compliance with the law and with democratic norms and principles of the Alliance. In the current situation it seems unlikely that Erdogan will cancel his decision concerning the prisoners of the military. Moreover, cleansings in the field of education are no coincidence. The reason for the dismissal and the prohibition of departure for employees of the higher school was their commitment to the ideas of Fethullah Gullen, who according to the official version of the Turkish authorities is the organizer of the failed coup. This struggle with the adherents of the opposition ideology, even underground, is clearly aimed at the consolidation of power by Erdogan in the country and his image abroad.

To consider the exhortations of the West and to abandon what was started, will mean the loss of the confidence of its adherents, the weakening of the political position in Turkey, providing the discretion to followers Gullane, and, of course, a demonstration of the failure of Turkey as an independent state, turning it into another puppet in the hands of the United States. Do not forget about the Kurds, who are destabilizing Turkish society and overall situation in the country. This part of the Turkish population pursues its own interests that have little to do with the interests of Turkey or any other country, so any weakness of the state gives the potential for their decisive action. NATO understands it very well, so the text that the Alliance is not considering the suspension of Turkey's membership in their ranks, similar to a preliminary justification for the decision already taken.

Speaking about the Kurds, it is necessary to raise the issue of double standards of NATO. Turkey, being a member of it, has repeatedly appealed for assistance in suppressing the terrorist threat, which often comes from the radical part of the Kurdish population. Instead, the Alliance at first politely ignored the arguments of his partner, and then began to provide technical assistance to the Kurds and to demonstrate its tacit approval.

Back to the base in Incirlik. It was here that were arrested at least 11 high-ranking officers on charges of organizing a coup. Interesting trend: most of the commanders were trained in American military schools, and now the NATO air base becomes a place of concentration and of concealment of the rebels. Meanwhile the United States sincerely offended by the "aggressive" rhetoric, according to them, of the Turkish leadership on the day after the failed putsch.

And finally, about what sins the entire Western world. On July 15th there was a terrible and bloody attack in Nice. 84 people have been killed. In just the last year and a half in France, there were about 10 attacks. On July 15th the state of Emergency was extended for six months. From 15 to 16 June in Turkey there was a military coup attempt. June 28th 2016 at the Istanbul airport bombing occurred. Over the last fifteen years in Turkey occurred around 21 attack. July 20, Erdogan imposed a state of Emergency. A few hours later Germany, after Brexit has become the main "locomotive of Europe", urged Turkey to lift the state of Emergency. Probably the Turks are not so valuable to the West as Europeans. And in General Turkey enough done to NATO, making friends with Russia, to deserve some punishment.

It's clear that Turkey is tired to dance to the American tune and not get anything in return. Very eloquently shows the Erdonan’s opinion about "Western values" the country's withdrawal from the “Convention on human rights".

Long-standing disagreements between NATO and Turkey has finally taken shape, and Washington, losing positions, clearly just prefers to get rid of their distressed friend, while maintaining the creditable. But what rules to play Erdogan, known only to Allah, the most Mr the Turkish President, and perhaps some of his foreign neighbors.

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