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in the loop

If someone is in the loop, they are part of a group of people who have information about a particular thing.

Not many people knew what was going on but the president was almost certainly in the loop. 

keep someone posted

If you keep someone posted, you continue giving them the latest information about a situation.

She made me promise to keep her posted on developments here while she was in London.

let the cat out of the bag

If you let the cat out of the bag, you reveal something secret or private, often without meaning to.

Note: Perhaps from an old trick where a person pretended to sell a piglet in a bag, although the bag really contained a cat. If the cat was let out of the bag, then the trick would be exposed.

'They didn't tell the cops my name, did they?' 'Of course not,' she said. 'They wouldn't want to let the cat out of the bag.'


Научитесь говорить на английском как на родном:


Учите английский не вставая с дивана!

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Конец эпохи слабости

Доброе утро, Империя.Последние лет тридцать в мире правило право слабых. Пожалуй, это не первый подобный пример в истории (Римская империя загнулась, когда тоже погрязла в роскоши, слаб...