Английские идиомы - только важные (8)

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Не забывайте, к ним можно будет получить упражнения, но на следующей неделе.

Упражнения будут доступны только в телеге - так что - подписывайтесь: https://t.me/thyrisefree


get your wires crossed or get your lines crossed

If you get your wires crossed or get your lines crossed, you are mistaken about what someone else means.

Note: People used to say they had a crossed line when their phone call was connected wrongly and they could hear someone else’s conversation.

She looked confused at what he said and he began to wonder if he'd got his wires crossed.

He'd got his lines crossed: 'What part of America are you from?' he asked. 'Sweden,' came the reply.

go off on a tangent or go off at a tangent

If a person or piece of writing goes off on a tangent or goes off at a tangent, they start saying or thinking something that is not directly connected with what they were saying or thinking before.

Note: In geometry, a tangent is a straight line which touches a curve at one point.

Our teacher would occasionally go off on a tangent and start talking about something totally unrelated to the textbook.

Note: You can use other verbs instead of go.

The book's theme wanders off on a tangent now and then.

hear something through the grapevine or hear something on the grapevine

If you hear something through the grapevine or hear something on the grapevine, you are told a piece of news informally by someone who was told it by someone else.

Note: One of the early telegraph systems in America was given the nickname ‘the grapevine telegraph’ because the wires often became tangled, so that they reminded people of grapevines.

I heard through the grapevine that she was looking for work.

She heard on the grapevine that he had come back to London.

in black and white

If you say that something is in black and white, you mean that you have written proof of it.

We have a strict, clear rule in black and white, that this sort of behaviour will not be tolerated.


Научитесь говорить на английском как на родном:


Учите английский не вставая с дивана!

Невоенный анализ-81. Разбитые мрии. 6 марта 2025

Традиционный дисклеймер: Я не военный, не анонимный телеграмщик, не Цицерон, тусовки от меня в истерике, не учу Генштаб воевать, генералов не увольняю, в «милитари порно» не снимаюсь, ...

Кажется, ученые прошли мимо мирового открытия на Русской равнине, которому нет цены
  • pretty
  • Вчера 08:39
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