Английские идиомы - только важные (10)

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Упражнения будут доступны только в телеге - так что - подписывайтесь: https://t.me/thyrisefree


put someone in the picture

If you put someone in the picture, you tell them about a situation that they need to know about.

I believe that I could now produce evidence to prove my case, so let me put you in the picture.

spill the beans

If you spill the beans, you reveal the truth about something secret or private. [INFORMAL]

Note: This expression has a number of possible explanations. One refers to an ancient way of voting by placing coloured beans in jars or pots, then tipping the beans out and counting them.

He was scared to death I was going to spill the beans to the cops.

touch base

If you touch base with someone, you contact them, often when you have not spoken to them or seen them for a long time.

Note: In baseball, batters have to touch the first, second, and third bases to score a run.

A brief phone-call is often made to touch base and update the parent on any developments.


Заговорите на английском как на родном:


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