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Английские идиомы - только важные (25)

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И учим английский в телеге - не пропустите все бесплатные уроки и упражнения с временным бесплатным доступом, акции и т.д. - подписывайтесь на канал в Телеграмhttps://t.me/thyrisefree


keep your nose clean

If you keep your nose clean, you behave well and avoid trouble. [INFORMAL]

He'd worked hard and kept his nose clean for all those years.

lay your cards on the table or put your cards on the table

If you lay your cards on the table or put your cards on the table, you tell someone the truth about your feelings, opinions, or plans.

Note: Referring to when players in a card game lay their cards face up for the other players to see.

I'll lay my cards on the table: I think the new design is terrible.

I'm going to put my cards on the table and make you an offer.

a level playing field

A level playing field is a situation that is fair and where no one has an advantage over other people.

Trade with these nations must be conducted on a level playing field.

Note: You can also use even or uneven instead of level.

Given an even playing field, girls tend to do better at school than boys.

move the goalposts

If someone moves the goalposts, they change the rules or aims in a situation or activity, in order to gain an advantage and to make things more difficult for the other people involved.

They seem to move the goalposts every time I meet the required conditions.

Note: You can also say that someone shifts the goalposts.

The administration is shifting the goalposts and changing its demands.

on the level

Someone or something that is on the level is honest or true.

Wait a minute, something's odd here - is this guy on the level? Can we trust him?

stab someone in the back

If someone that you trust stabs you in the back, they secretly do something which hurts and betrays you.

She was incredibly disloyal. She would be your friend to your face, and then stab you in the back.

to someone's face

If you say something, especially something critical or unpleasant, to someone's face, you say it directly to them.

He was too old and he had to step aside. But who was going to say so to his face?

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Заговорите на английском не вставая с дивана, с помощью программы "Английский как родной": https://thyrise.com/ru/all-eng...

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Политолог Ростислав Ищенко, отвечая на вопросы читателей издания «Военное дело», объяснил почему первое применение ракеты «Орешник» состоялось без боевой части, а также прокомментировал...

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  • Вчера 13:58
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