Английские идиомы - только важные (28)

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Anger and irritation (1)

bite someone's head off or snap someone's head off

If someone bites your head off or snaps your head off, they speak to you in an unpleasant, angry way, because they are annoyed about something. [INFORMAL]

Don't bite my head off just because you're fed up!

blow a fuse

If you blow a fuse, you suddenly lose your temper and cannot control your anger.

Note: A fuse is a safety device found in electrical equipment. If the equipment becomes too hot, the fuse blows, or burns. This breaks the electrical circuit, so that the equipment will stop working.

He's going to blow a fuse when he finds out about Miller.

a dirty look or a filthy look

If someone gives you a dirty look or a filthy look, they look at you in a way that shows that they are very angry about something.

Tony was being really annoying. Michael gave him a dirty look and walked out of the kitchen. 

drive someone up the wall

If something or someone drives you up the wall, they annoy you very much. [INFORMAL]

He's so uncooperative he's beginning to drive me up the wall.

a face like thunder

If someone has a face like thunder, they look extremely angry. [BRITISH]

The kitchen had flooded and Mick was raging around the house with a face like thunder.

fly off the handle

If you fly off the handle, you suddenly become very angry. [INFORMAL]

Note: The reference here is to an axe head (=the metal cutting part) which has become loose, and so when someone swings the axe, the axe head flies off.

When I finally managed to speak to him, he flew off the handle and shouted down the phone.

give someone hell

1. If someone gives you hell, they make your life very unpleasant by behaving badly towards you.

Their younger son gives them hell.

2. If you say that someone gives you hell, they shout at you or speak to you angrily because you have done something wrong.

I got home three hours late and my mum gave me hell.


Заговорите на английском не вставая с дивана, с помощью программы "Английский как родной": https://thyrise.com/ru/all-eng... 

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