Английские идиомы (32) - Success and failure

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Как часто бывает в этой жизни - если мы что-то делаем - мы добиваемся успеха и терпим поражения...

И сегодня у нас идиомы на эту тему, а помимо этого, немного текста перед ними на тему успеха, не удачи, а именно успеха - его можно достичь только планомерными действиями, удачу можно впоймать за хвост, правда, на мой взгляд - хвост у удачи рыбий - потому что выскальзывает моментально, а вот корни успеха - как корни мощного дерева...

Чтобы добиться успеха в изучении языка нужно не очень много - подобранные правильно материалы и время (с терпением, потому что времени нужно больше чем год, даже при очень интенсивных занятиях - год это самый необходимый минимум для освоения языка)... материалы мы для вас создали в виде программы "Английский как родной", а остальное за вами - ваше время и усилия дадут знание языка на уровне, зачастую, более высоком чем у многих носителей языка.


И возвращаемся к идиомам на эту статью. Повторюсь, лучше потом пройти и упражнения (это бесплатно для подписчиков канала в Telegram: https://t.me/thyrisefree), а ещё лучше прослушать аудио и посомтреть видео (это только в рамках программы "Английский как родной"), но и подобные занятия дают пользу, просто это занимает больше времени - дополнительные материалы ускоряют в разы и упрощают усвоение иного языка, но для современного взрослого - текст - это основа.

back to the drawing board

If you have to go back to the drawing board, something you have done has not been successful and you have to try another idea.

Note: Drawing boards are large flat boards, on which designers or architects place their paper when drawing plans.

His government should go back to the drawing board to rethink their programme.

bring the house down

If a person or their performance brings the house down, the audience claps and cheers loudly for a long time because they liked the performance so much.

Note: In this expression, the ‘house’ means a theatre.

We had just one rehearsal and I was very nervous but the show brought the house down.

come up in the world

If someone has come up in the world, they are richer or more powerful than they used to be and have a higher social status.

A polite and pleasant young man, he was an ordinary worker who had come up in the world.

Note: You can also say that someone has gone up in the world or moved up in the world.

fall flat on your face

If someone falls flat on their face when they try to do something, they fail or make an embarrassing mistake.

He was trying to introduce changes in the prison system but he fell flat on his face.

be fighting a losing battle

If you are fighting a losing battle, you are trying to achieve something, but you are very unlikely to succeed.

The theatre has to compete with the movies and DVDs and it's fighting a losing battle.

go belly-up

If a company goes belly-up, it fails and does not have enough money to pay its debts. [INFORMAL]

Note: This expression may refer to dead fish floating upside down near the surface of the water.

Factories and farms went belly-up because of the debt crisis.

go pear-shaped

If a situation or activity goes pear-shaped, it starts to fail or have problems. [BRITISH, INFORMAL]

He is always asked to comment when the global economy goes pear-shaped.

hit the nail on the head

If you hit the nail on the head, you describe a situation or problem very precisely.

Smith hit the nail on the head when he said that the Prime Minister promised so much and yet changed so little.

plain sailing

If an activity or task is plain sailing, it is easy to do or achieve. [BRITISH]

Note: ‘Plain sailing’ is sailing in good conditions, without any difficulties. However, the expression may have come from ‘plane sailing’, a method of working out the position of a ship and planning its route using calculations based on the earth being flat rather than round. This is a simple and easy method which is fairly accurate over short distances, especially near the equator.

Once I got used to the diet it was plain sailing and I lost six kilos over a four-month period.

save the day

If someone or something saves the day in a situation which seems likely to fail, they manage to make it successful.

After a disastrous first night for the show, it was Biggs who stepped in to save the day.

touch and go

If it is touch and go whether something will happen, you cannot be certain whether it will happen or not.

I thought I was going to win the race, but it was still touch and go.

win hands down

If you win a contest hands down, you win it easily.

Note: This expression was originally used in horse racing to describe jockeys who won their races very easily and could cross the winning line with their hands lowered and the reins (=thin leather straps attached around a horse’s neck) loose.

We have been beaten in some games which we should have won hands down.

Note: You can also say that you beat someone else hands down.

When he said he would beat me hands down, I didn't know he could run that fast!

with flying colours

If you achieve something, such as passing an examination, with flying colours, you achieve it easily and are very successful.

Note: The image here is of a ship that has won a battle, sailing back into port with its colours (=a military flag) flying.

She passed the entrance exam with flying colours.

work like a charm

If something works like a charm, it is very successful or effective.

Our little arrangement worked like a charm.


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