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Английские идиомы (41) - Happiness and sadness

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Счастье и печаль, весёлое настроение и упадочное чередуются и существуют с нами всю нашу жизнь... хорошо бы, если бы почаще и подольше с нами былло веселье, но увы, в этой жизни такое редкость...

Итак, чтоб ваше счастье было с вами дольше, и не покидало из-за того что вы не можете найти перевод какого-то слова или объяснение темы, которая была затронута в занятии - учите английский с помощью программы "Английский как родной".

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break someone's heart

1. If you break someone's heart you make them very unhappy by ending a relationship with them or making it clear that you do not love them.

She left him later that year and broke his heart.

Note: You can also say that someone has a broken heart when they feel very sad because a relationship has ended.

If you're a poet, you get some good poetry out of a broken heart.

Note: You can also say that someone is heart broken or is broken-hearted.

Mary was broken-hearted when he left her.

2. If a fact or a situation breaks your heart it makes you very sad.

It broke my heart to see this woman suffer the way she did.

Note: I You can also say that someone is heartbroken or is broken-hearted if they are very upset about something.

down in the dumps or in the dumps

If you are down in the dumps or in the dumps you feel depressed.

Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down in the dumps.

I was in the dumps when I met Jayne. I was clearly not living the kind of life I should live.

full of beans

If you are full of beans you are very happy and energetic.

Note: This originally referred to a horse that was well-fed and therefore full of energy.

Jem was among them, full of beans after his long sleep.

get a kick out of something

If you get a kick out of something you enjoy it very much. [INFORMAL]

These doctors take on huge workloads and get a kick out of being busy, helping people, curing patients and saving lives.

get on top of you

If something gets on top of you it makes you feel sad or upset, and you are not able to deal with it.

I was so fed up. Everything was just getting on top of me.

have a whale of a time

If you have a whale of a time, you enjoy yourself a lot. [INFORMAL]

Kids of all ages will have a whale of a time at the amusement park.

a long face

If someone has a long face they look very serious or unhappy.

He came to me with a very long face and admitted there had been an error.

look on the bright side

If you look on the bright side you try to be cheerful about a bad situation by concentrating on the few good things in it or by thinking about how it could have been even worse.

I tried to look on the bright side, to be grateful that I was at least healthy.

Note: You can also just talk about a b rig h t side of a bad situation.

There is a bright side to this depressing situation, at least for one group of people: American tourists. They're getting more for their dollar right now.

make someone's day

If someone or something makes your day they make you feel very happy.

There was such a sincere expression of friendliness on both their faces that it was a joy to see. It really made my day.

not a happy bunny

If you say that someone is not a happy bunny you mean that they are annoyed or unhappy about something. [BRITISH, INFORMAL]

Note: ‘Bunny’ is a childish word for a rabbit and the expression is meant to sound like part of a children’s story. It is used humorously.

I'm receiving around 100 junk emails a day. I'm not a happy bunny.

on top of the world

If you feel on top of the world you feel extremely happy.

The combination of cold, crisp snow and warm sunshine makes you feel on top of the world.

over the moon

If you are over the moon about something that has happened you are very happy about it. [mainly BRITISH, INFORMAL]

'Caroline must be pleased about her new job?' 'Yes, she's over the moon.'

a shoulder to cry on

A shoulder to cry on is someone who is sympathetic to you when you are upset and listens when you talk about your problems.

For a lot of new mums the health visitor is the perfect shoulder to cry on when it all gets too much.

Note: You can also say that one person cries on another’s shoulder.

He had let her cry on his shoulder when her mother died, taking her calls in the middle of the night.


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