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Yoga practitioners and spiritual seekers of other mystical teachings of East are striving to master Padamasana. In yoga this position is considered to be one of the most important. All the variety of other asanas serves to prepare the practitioner for a long stay in this meditative pose. The ancient yogic text Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes Lotus Pose: «Ordinary people cannot attain this pose, only a few wise ones on this earth can». It is in this pose that the great Masters of the past and enlightened Gurus of our days are most often depicted.
Lotus Position: Вenefits
Lotus pose is the “asana for a thousand diseases”. It helps to change metabolism and improve brain function, which in turn restores the dynamic balance of the whole body.
Benefits of Padmasana:
- The acupuncture meridians of the abdominal organs are compressed and stimulated, which improves the digestive process.
- There is a beneficial effect on the heart and circulatory system, as well as on the respiratory system, blood pressure decreases.
- Padmasana increases the blood supply to the pelvic cavity, while the flow of blood to the legs is limited, due to this, all the pelvic and abdominal organs are toned.
- The nerve endings in the sacrum and coccyx are toned, which can be a help for sciatic nerve neuralgia.
- The innervation of the spine improves, excessive tension is removed fr om the corset muscles, and the flexibility of the spine develops.
- The symmetry of the body is built up. By practicing padmasana, you can form a good posture and get rid of scoliosis.
- Good training for tight joints of the legs, reduces arthritic pain in these areas.
- The lotus position promotes relaxation, accelerates thought processes, and improves memory.
- The benefits of the lotus pose are also undeniable for the psyche: the mind is purified, the energies of goodness are activated, sanity and empathy for others are developed.
Learn more: https://en.meditat...
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