В Южной Корее введено военное положение, партии и СМИ закрыты. Подробности в нашем Телеграмм

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Falling Asleep While Meditating – What to Do

Some people are falling asleep during meditation. This is due to several factors that manifest themselves on the path of internal journey. The appearance and absence of problems arising at different stages, depth of results in meditation – all that is related to the state of the body, energy and mind. Let's try to understand why drowsiness during meditation comes, based on knowledge about our nature.

Tiredness, Lack of Energy

The simplest reason why you want to sleep during meditation can be overwork and tiredness. The conditions of urban life, the impact of negative factors, systematic stress and the pursuit of trends-all this can take a lot of energy, which is necessary for successful meditation. Lack of fresh air and a sedentary lifestyle can influence energy body. This has a greater or lesser effect on making you sleepy during meditation.

Accumulated Voltage

Life in the city has different facets. Sometimes our body saves a tension, which is an answer to factors of external and internal reality. Not positive events, emotions and thoughts block energy channels of the subtle body. The reason why you want to sleep during meditation is that the energy flows passing through the places of tension accumulation and cleanses them. You can feel it as a sleepy state. This is a natural process. Study to relax body with awareness. Gradually the conductivity of subtle channels will widen, energy will flow freely, minimizing the symptom of falling asleep during meditation.

Learn more: https://en.meditation.study/me...

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