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Забавное видео и английские идиомы (39)

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Предыдущая статья со смешным видео вам очень понравилась... как говаривал один герой - не хочу учиться, хочу жениться, а у нас получается - хочу развлекаться... ну раз такое дело, то в этот раз тоже сначала забавное видео:

Но главное - потехе час, в нашем случае несколько минут, а делу - время... и сейчас мы перейдём к идиомам этой статьи, а пока что... я советую вам превратить английский в родной язык и получить преимущества в жизни.

Limitations and restrictions

bend the rules

If you bend the rules you do something which is not allowed, either to help someone else or for your own advantage.

I'm prepared to bend the rules - I may even have to break them.

Note: You can also say that you stretch the rules.

He accused the company of stretching the sport's rules to the limit.

the dos and don'ts

The dos and don'ts of a particular situation are the things you should and should not do in that situation.

Disasters can be avoided if a few general dos and don'ts are considered.

draw the line

1. If someone knows where to draw the line they know at what point an activity or situation stops being reasonable and starts to be unacceptable.

It is difficult for charities to know where to draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable sources of finance.

2. If you draw the line at a particular activity you would not do it because you disapprove of it or because it is so extreme.

I'll do almost anything - although I think I'd draw the line at running naked across the stage!

Note: There are several theories about the origin of this expression. It may come from early versions of tennis in which the court had no fixed size: players agreed their own limits and drew lines accordingly.

Alternatively, it may be connected with the 16th century practice of using a plough to cut a line across a field to indicate a boundary between two plots of land. A third possibility is that it refers to boxing matches in the past, when a line was drawn in the ring which neither boxer could cross.

a fine line between something

If there is a fine line between two different activities or situations there is a point at which they are very similar, often when one activity or situation is acceptable and the other is not.

There is a fine line between being nicely looked after and never being left alone.

Note: You can also talk about a thin line between two things or a narrow line between two things.

There is a thin line between being a good player and being one of the best.

There's a narrow line between being interested and being nosy.

have your hands full

If you have your hands full you are very busy.

Note: You often use this expression to show that someone has many responsibilities or jobs and not enough time for any more.

She's doing fine. She's got her hands full with the kids of course.

Note: You can also say that someone’s hands are full.

He's m anaging all three projects so his hands are full.

off limits

1. If an area is off limits you are not allowed to go there.

The area was kept off limits to foreign journalists until early this year.

2. If something is off limits you are not allowed to have it or do it.

Of course, smoking was off limits everywhere.

out of bounds

If a place is out of bounds you are not allowed to go there.

The area has been out of bounds to foreigners for more than a month.

Note: You can use out-of-bounds before a noun.

Avoid signposted out-of-bounds areas.

over the top

If you describe something as over the top you think that it is too extreme.

Note: During the First World War ‘to go over the top’ meant to climb out of the trenches (=long, narrow channels in the ground) and run into no-man’s land (=land that is not controlled by either side) in order to attack the enemy.

At one point, which I think is a bit over the top, he talks about the end of civilization.

Note: You can also say that someone goes over the top if they do something in a way that is too extreme.

Maybe he went a bit over the top with some of his language.

overstep the mark

If you overstep the mark you offend people by doing something that is considered to be rude or unacceptable.

Note: The ‘mark’ in this expression may be the line behind which runners stand before a race. Alternatively it may refer to boxing matches in the past, when a line was drawn in the ground which neither boxer could cross.

They agreed that by criticizing his manager so publicly, Taylor had overstepped the mark.

step on someone's toes or tread on someone's toes

If you step on someone's toes or tread on their toes you offend them by interfering in something that is their responsibility.

Small shopkeepers know who sells what so they don't step on one another's toes.

She's already seeing another doctor about this problem - 1 can't tread on his toes.

with no strings attached or without strings

If you say that an offer of help comes with no strings attached or without strings you mean that accepting the offer does not require you to do a particular thing or give something in return.

I think this is an extremely generous offer. There are no strings attached and I will recommend that everyone accepts.

We must reduce our dependence on government money, which never comes without strings.

your hands are tied

If your hands are tied something such as a law is preventing you from acting in the way that you want to.

He would like to help but his hands are tied by the regulations.

Note: You can also say that you have your hand s tied or that something ties your hands.

The present rule ties jockeys' hands and I don't feel it is fair.

She felt frustrated by it all. 'We feel as though our hands have been tied because we have no power at all.'


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