AI's Alpha and Omega: Reality, Causality and Mentality: Meta-AI vs. Human AI

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Azamat Abdoullaev. Trans-AI: How to Build True AI or Real Machine Intelligence and Learning. Ontology of Designing. 2021; 11(4): 402-421. DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537-2021-11-4-402- 421.

The essence of AI is a true, comprehensive, coherent and consistent mapping, modeling, simulating or "understanding" of reality and its causality, mentality and digitality. 

Our message is simple and clear: unless a reality-based, true AI to be built, the present, dull, dumb and deficient human-like AI (HAI) is going to replicate, replace and recycle humans in terms of intelligence, minds, brains, behavior and bodies.


Traditional AI's Alpha and Omega is biased to human intelligence and intelligent behavior, being a human-like AI (HAI). 

It is after modeling, replicating, simulating or mimicking all possible mental functions, from perception or cognition, learning and reasoning, sentience and consciousness, to judgment and decision making and actions, as interaction, language and communication, study, work, or gaming.

As a result, half of all computer scientists, engineers and developers, obsessed with building HAI that can play games (like Chess and Go or Poker, as AlphaGo, AlphaZero, etc.), another half with building Rote Learning Algorithms, ML and DL, and NL machines (like Turing's "imitation game" thinking machines, IBM's Watson, GPT-3, BERT, Megatron-Turing NLG, etc.). 

All in all, there are a number of HAI methods, programming and testing methodologies, processes and techniques which are supposed to contribute to reliable AI models.

HAI methods cover the use of knowledge, training/testing/validation data, search, or abstraction.

HAI techniques are as different as follows: case-based reasoning, rule-based systems, artificial neural networks, fuzzy models, genetic algorithms, cellular automata, multi-agent systems, swarm intelligence, reinforcement learning, hybrid systems, etc.

Some top HAI techniques are

Machine Learning.

Statistic techniques, classification, regression, decision trees, clustering techniques

Neural networks

NLP (Natural Language Processing).

Automation and Robotics.

Machine Vision.

HAI Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of human-mimicking machine intelligence.

HAI technology systems or machines are taking a data input to change it as to the system’s use/algorithms and then producing a data/information/knowledge output, like a brainy black box system, where only the behavior of the stimulus/response will be accounted for. 

Such a HAI is unable of any real problem-solving, abstraction and generalization, understanding, learning and reasoning, and causal interaction with the world and reality, physical, social, digital or virtual.

Here is the A-list of the big-tech HAI alchemists, blown to a $trillion cap and properly dubbed as G-MAFIA:

Google AI

About – Google AI

Microsoft AI

Microsoft Artificial Intelligence

Amazon AI

AI with AWS Machine Learning

Facebook AI

Facebook AI


Apple AI

Join the Apple Machine Learning and AI team and make an impact with the products you create and the research you publish.

Again, what is impersonated as AI, in fact, a false and counterfeit AI. At the very best, it is a sort of automatic learning technologies, ML/DL/NN pattern-recognizers, which are essentially mathematical and statistical in nature, unable to act intuitively or model their environment, being with zero intelligence, nil learning and NO understanding. 

Such a dull, dumb and deficient HAI is going to replicate, replace and recycle humans in terms of intelligence, minds, brains, behavior and bodies.

Here is Ameca as a humanoid robot platform of the future.

Ameca is the world’s most advanced human shaped robot representing the forefront of human-robotics technology.

Designed specifically as a platform for development into future robotics technologies, Ameca is the perfect humanoid robot platform for human-robot interaction.

AI x AB, Human-like artificial intelligence needs a human-like artificial body (AI x AB). Ameca is the perfect platform to develop interaction between us humans and any metaverse or digital realm.

As some rare critics note, machine intelligence is here reduced to systems of logical symbols rather than to the sort of physical reality that supports and propels intelligence, human or machine.

James Barrat, a documentary filmmaker and author of The Final Invention, has wisely answered to the question: what next computer scientists and their AI systems might tackle now that even Go had been conquered.

“I don’t think there are any games left. The next game is reality.” 


The Causal Revolution as the Summit of Scientific-Technological-Industrial Revolutions https://www.linkedin.com/pulse...

How Causal Revolution is to shake up Science and Technology 


Real AI, Causal Machine Intelligence and Learning, as The Next Big Thing in Technology: Causal/Real AI (RAI) as Leibniz's Superscientist or Laplace's Demon 


AI's Alpha and Omega: Reality, Causality and Mentality: Meta-AI vs. Human AI 


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