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Why should you do yoga: six good reasons to start right now

A healthy, strong, resilient, disciplined person who can control his mind and feelings can achieve his goals and fulfill his potential. A tool for developing yourself and your body is regular yoga practice.

Yoga is translated from Sanskrit as ‘harmony’, ‘unity’ and ‘connection’. Yoga is not just physical activity or morning exercise. This is the path by following which you can achieve a harmonious, conscious and healthy life. Yoga, unlike fitness, involves the practice of asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing), meditation, as well as mudras, bandhas, shatkarmas, and mantras.

Why should you do yoga

Yoga affects the body, mind, spirit, energy and the ability to control feelings. The practice is good for your health and helps you live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. There are many reasons for practicing, and everyone chooses his own one.

Impact on the physical body

Yoga is a unique system of integrated approach to the whole human body. It affects the nervous, digestive, excretory, sexual, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems. With regular practice, strength, stamina, flexibility, and the ability to breathe properly are achieved; one gains a healthy body to master the mind. Yoga improves adrenal function in men.

What yoga gives women:

✔flexibility and plasticity,

✔improved skin condition,

✔relief from hormonal disorders.

What yoga gives men:

✔improved blood circulation,

✔joint strengthening,


✔normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic area,

✔prostatitis prevention.

Effect of yoga on posture

Systematic practice allows you to build a strong muscular corset and easily maintain a beautiful straight posture throughout the day. Yoga is useful for developing mobility and flexibility of the spine. It helps to establish blood supply and functionality of the spinal column, which is very important for modern man, who spends most of the time in a sedentary position.

Читать далее: https://en.pranam.center/yoga/...

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