How to Choose the Right Yoga Clothes

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How to Choose the Right Yoga Clothes

Yoga is not just fitness, but a path to harmony with yourself. And, as with any journey, outfitting is important. Yoga clothes are not just a fashion accessory, but a helper, because it does not restrain movements, allows you to fully concentrate on the practice and gives you confidence in yourself.

-Freedom of movement: elastic materials and a smart cut ensure comfort in any asana, whether it's dynamic Vinyasa Flow or relaxing Shavasana. For example: high-waisted leggings and tops made of breathable, supportive fabric will not hinder your movements when bending, twisting and arching.

- Breathable fabrics wick away moisture and maintain optimum body temperature , allowing you to feel comfortable even when practicing intensively. For example: T-shirts made of bamboo fiber or tank tops made of mesh material will ensure good ventilation and thermoregulation.

- Hypoallergenic materials do not irritate even sensitive skin, which is especially important for people prone to allergies. For example: clothes made of organic cotton or bamboo are non-irritating and suitable for people with sensitive skin.

- Stylish design emphasizes the advantages of the figure and sets the mood for your practice and makes you feel confident and attractive. For example: clothes with ethnic motifs or yoga-inspired prints can be a stylish addition to your look.

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