The theory of industrial society or again about the basic contradiction of capital and ITS main function.

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author: Valery Konyukov analytical group "Development", analyst, no co-authors.

Abstract:   In my work, I give a full description of social processes. Such a description could not be made earlier in the days of K. Marx or V.I. Lenin, since society at that time was not accumulated, by trial and error, enough knowledge. Therefore, it was not commensurably easier for me to carry out this important work. Marx foresaw (I learned about this not long ago, after doing research) that sociology and biology would be connected within the framework of a common understanding of the development of society. Well, I managed to do it. The result of my research initially led me into a stupor and I tried to refute my conclusions for 1.5 years. The value of my research lies in the fact that when I considered social processes, I did not use dialectics; this not only allowed me to move away from ideological preferences, but also did not go into cycles in template statements. As part of the work on the study of social processes, I have formed six theories, which I will introduce to you one by one.


Progressism; sapiensism; the development system of society; technocratic scissors; the main contradiction of capital; socio-biological laws; the matrix of industrial formations; the main function of capital; mutual assistance; apolitism; industrial extermination;


UDC code 008

The format of the scientific presentation presented by me is somewhat different from the usual theoretical presentation of scientific work. But it is in this view that it is easiest to understand social processes.

This format allows me to conduct a dialogue not only with my esteemed Troyan Vladimir, but also with the entire scientific community in his person, which today is in oblivion and a fog of uncertainty in the most important sphere of human existence.

The main provisions of this work were formed by me in 2014-2015. As I said in the abstract, I categorically did not like my analytical conclusions and for 1.5 years I tried to deliberately destroy and refute my conclusions, simultaneously sending them to various analytical structures.

Unfortunately, I was not able to refute my conclusions.

Convinced of their loyalty, i was began to spread his knowledge, seeking to influence the processes of social development.

It should be noted that two influential analytical centers, which for obvious reasons I can't name yet, supported my conclusions, which reflected the change in world processes.

Of course, I had mistakes in underestimating the processes and this led to the catalyzation of a number of negative consequences.

Understanding the system of development of public relations based on my work allows you to predict social processes for a long time, as well as correctly assess short-term trends.

For example, the current crisis in oil production and natural gas sales was predicted by me about 2.5-3 years ago in my address to the President of the Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, my appeal did not lead to the introduction of progressive economic solutions in our economy, but to the so-called pension reform and a sharp increase in tax oppression.

The pension genocide, and I can't call this pension reform anything else, legally, along with the law on the presumption of organ removal, fixed in our legal field the methods of hidden systematic extermination of "extra" people.

On January 2, 2019, I warned our military and political leadership about the high probability of bacteriological and genetic attacks, along with other measures.

Since this appeal contained criticism, it was ignored.


What can be more important than understanding where society is developing and what consequences certain decisions will lead to?

This work comprehensively explains the processes of social development on a global scale, allowing you to predict processes for tens or even hundreds of years to come.

Goals, objectives, materials and methods.

Initially, the goal and task was to understand why the processes are taking place in this way, and not in any other way, to understand why there was an acute crisis in Ukraine and what it will eventually lead to.

Starting to analyze and summarize the material, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a number of unambiguous provisions that I will rely on in the future (axioms) and explore motivational incentives for people's behavior. As the work progressed, I added the axioms, which allowed me to lay the framework for full-fledged research.

Axioms used in the study:

1. - the highest total creative and productive potential of the society in which the most effective measures of personal motivation are used and in which the smallest number of its members fall out of active creative activity .

2. - the growth of automation is inversely proportional to the demand for labor resources.

3. - it is productivity growth that causes the release of labor resources, and not Vice versa.

4. - automation processes cannot continue indefinitely and at a certain stage completely replace human labor. Let's call this stage the " cut-off point "(the cut-off point theory will be presented later).

5. - the basic contradiction of capital will be true for all types of formations of the period of industrial production.

6. - the overwhelming period of human activity is carried out on the "automatic", instinct, motor memory, etc., which leads to the transfer of part of the logical and intellectual functions to the surrounding society.

7. - the physiology of exchange is the same for all mammalian creatures.

8. - the initial makings of thought processes, and hence the initial intelligence, are characteristic of all living beings capable of living in society.

9. - the last three axioms (6,7 and 8) force us to accept the social experiments of Didier Desors and John brown Calhoun and their results in relation to the identity of processes to human society and in the future (the results of these experiments) we do not question.

In the study of social development, I identify the following groups of personal motivation factors involved in the economic process:

- individual needs

- economic

- repressive

- ideological

- social

- self-improvement and knowledge

Why do I distinguish these groups of factors? Using each of them as the main one, it is possible to build an economic structure. Accordingly, each group itself can carry certain negative trends. Thus, a negative trend in a socially oriented society may be a slowdown in the technological development process.

Agree, not a significant fee for the possibility of preserving life on the planet.

This negative effect has a time factor, is overcome through the aspect of General improvement of the competence and intelligence of society, which ultimately leads to the inevitable advantage of this formation over others. Differences in the development processes in society using the defining priority of personal motivation (within the same formation) are determined by the direction of efforts in strategies for implementing the achievement of set goals.

In addition, I noticed an interesting system of aggregates of the factors of personal motivation and economic formations. (Of course, each formation uses all of the above groups of personal motivation factors in one way or another).

Connection of economic formations and basic motivations

primitive-communal - - - individual needs + social

slaveholding - - - repressive + individual needs

feudal - - - repressive + economic

capitalist - - - ideological + economic

fascist (and Nazi) - - - ideological + repressive

It is characterized by: the use of slave labor of prisoners, the maximum exploitation of the working class for capitalist profit, the destruction of labor resources and the masses on ideological, national or racial grounds, the destruction of freed labor resources, the factor of economic efficiency in relation to labor resources is suppressed by ideological priorities, there is an evolutionary transition from fascism to Nazism (oligarchy).

progressivism (aka social) - - - self-improvement + economic

It is characterized by: using a high level of knowledge to automate production processes and save resources, using state resources to develop social services and improve the General level of education, class inequality persists, the stability of the existence of this system is determined by compliance with legal norms and understanding of public threats as a result of their violation.

This formation can be considered a continuation of the development of the capitalist one, which takes into account the negative impact of the" free market " and uses state regulatory and planning mechanisms to eliminate the negative manifestations of capitalism, while the possibilities of private banking capital are limited by law. The main Manager of capital and land resources is the state.

socialist (and Communist) - - - ideological + social

It is characterized by the Erasure of class inequality, the substitution of economic incentives for ideological ones, and the possibility of an evolutionary transition from a socialist formation to a Communist one.

Of course, this type of research on motivational stimuli is extremely critical and controversial, but it was this system that led me to a full understanding of the processes.

After I was convinced of the correctness of my conclusions, my task changed: not only to understand social processes, but also to have a direct impact on them, to direct them in the direction of building a socially just society. Therefore, I was able to understand the economic solution that ensures the construction of a socially just society and convey it to the public. Today, a number of prominent representatives of the scientific and business community support such a decision, and supporters of my views are present on all continents.

Methods of cognition:

in my research, I did not use dialectics, because I believe that it gives an error when studying complex systems. Dialectics perfectly describes and reveals dynamic and interconnected systems, but it does not see static laws, does not allow them to be revealed and understood.

All other methods were used by me within the limits of my intellectual capabilities.

Scientific novelty.

This work, in fact, is the founder of the latest political economy. All conclusions here are original and not borrowed from other authors.

Of course, all the conclusions drawn in it would not have been possible without the use of the accumulated experience of modern society and the developments of outstanding theoretical researchers K. Marx, F. Engels, K. Kautsky, P. A. Kropotkin, V. I. Lenin, and I. V. Stalin.

This work cannot be considered revisionism, since it does not question the previous theoretical conclusions of these theorists about the possibility of building a fair and equal society, but only develops modern knowledge about society.

Scientific directions (sections) of the article.

Social studies based on the synthesis of sociology, biology, philosophy, political science, and Economics.

The main sections

1. The basic contradiction of capital.

2. Socio-biological laws.

3. Matrix of industrial formations.

Summary of the work.


I have great respect for Troyan Vladimir, I consider his research and interpretation of social processes important, but I cannot agree with the clearly erroneous conclusions set out in two of his works.

"Globalism as a stage of imperialism" and

" Globalism cannot be a new stage"

First: what the author presents is absurd, since the world war is a sign of a change in formation (the clearest manifestation of a systemic crisis). There were two of them. That is, there are signs of a change in the formation, but we are still living in the old formation, so what?

The fear of looking beyond the circle outlined by the classics, the fear of criticism and ridicule of colleagues, leads to a complete lack of understanding of the nature of processes and, as a result, an absolutely incorrect forecast of events.

All Marxists admit that there is a mistake in the classical theory. Since the collapse of the socialist camp is the most important factor in confirming this error. But no one dares go further than admitting this.

Below I will give a critique of Troyan Vladimir's article "GLOBALISM AS a STAGE of IMPERIALISM". I tried to explain my understanding of the processes in detail, without unnecessary complication and overloading with links.

My calculations are of objection and rejection in some of our Marxists and Leninists. Unfortunately, classical theory cannot explain the processes of fascization, but my work perfectly explains this.

It is necessary to realize that the progressive form of social structure was created by Stalin. If private ownership of the means of production is allowed in the economy, but exploitation is prohibited, then this can be called anything, but it is definitely nothing more than a progressive structure.

This structure is unstable, especially if the masses are excluded from direct open expression of will and governance, through the delegation of powers to the deputies and the implementation of closed voting. But it is this structure of society that allows us to achieve unprecedented economic growth of up to 30% per year, next to which no "economic" miracle of the capital countries stands.

Also in the article there is a link to the criticism of the author who speaks under the nickname Alexander Pokryshkin and his work " Financialism. Theory Of Financialism." In this article the author has very efficiently described the stage of development of society in the social structure of FASCISM, which I originally mistakenly called phase. As you can see, no one is immune from mistakes. A willingness to admit a mistake, as well as a willingness to learn and develop yourself, is an integral part of any progressive personality.

Hello Vladimir.

You are quite right in saying that GLOBALISM is a stage in the development of society. But here's what you define incorrectly. Let's look at this issue, and at the same time at the basic error of Marx's economic theory, without understanding which it is impossible to build a correct system for assessing the development of society and it is impossible to correctly predict the ways of its further development.

All processes always have three stages of development: formation, development/set of potential and features, attenuation/transformation, which qualitatively characterize certain phenomena as they occur. We can assume that the same processes will be projected on the system of social development.

Accordingly, an industrial society will also have three main stages: formation, development, transformation (the stage of decay /transformation will intersect with the stage of formation of a post-industrial society). Each stage of the processes can be represented by smaller stages (этап), of which there are also three and which describe this larger structure-the stage.

As I understand it, the third stage of industrial society (the stage of attenuation/transformation) will not require a complex and multi-profile industry, as it will make it possible to materialize objects according to the specified characteristics, some of which we already see in the process of implementing 3D printers. Only these will be molecular printers capable of converting matter and energy into the specified parameters of a physical object. Accordingly, each individual will have virtually unlimited production capabilities and resource availability. And this fundamentally changes the social appearance of the human structure.

But we digress. Let's return to our question. In order to understand processes correctly, we need to eliminate the error in understanding the theory of social development. Let's start with the basic question – the main contradiction of capitalism. What does the main contradiction of capitalism sound like?

"The contradiction between the social nature of the production process and the private capitalist form of appropriation."

This is absolutely true. But CAPITALISM is one of the forms of social structure in which there can be no contradiction without the presence of a basic contradiction in the functional object (the main functional operator) of this structure. In other words, the appearance of a social structure is determined by the basic contradiction (present in it) and the way it is resolved. Is everything clear up to this point? Let's go further if everything is clear in this matter.

What is the basic functional object of the Capitalism formation? That's right, its main component, without which this structure cannot exist – CAPITAL. But CAPITAL is the basic functional object of the entire industrial society,not just a separate social structure.

I explained what capital IS and how the value of a worker's labor is formed in a polemic on my page in Wikipedias.  (and in the explanation for the video " what is CAPITAL.")

The main contradiction of capital AS a functional object (as an independent operator of action) is as follows: productivity growth is inversely proportional to the demand for labor resources.

The more productive the machines are, the fewer workers it takes to produce the same volume and quality of products in the same unit of time.

 In practice, it looks like this - the successful and selfless work of the wage worker leads to an increase in the material capabilities of the capitalist, who improves production, buys new equipment (software) and deprives the hired workers of work, firing them. (It is with the description of the basic contradiction of Capital that the first volume of Marx's work begins.)

 Thus, the main function of CAPITAL is the continuous and constant release of labor resources. The inability and unwillingness of society to use this function for the benefit of all its members leads to a crisis and the systemic destruction of this social structure. Which, in my opinion, is quite fair.  And the increased material and technical capabilities allow this destruction to be carried out literally by the hands of one person in the very near future. 

The first stage of industrial society was characterized by a low rate of automation of processes, which allowed to resolve the main contradiction by paying extra people with unemployment handouts. This only works when the speed of processes is low, and since the speed of processes is constantly increasing, this could not but lead to a crisis in society. This created the need for industrial extermination of people. And as a result, the appearance of the first means of such destruction: machine guns, chemical weapons.

The first stage of development of industrial society ended with the beginning of the First world war, after which industrial society began to develop on the basis of ideologies.

The development of ideology was a consequence of the demand of transnational capital for new ways of managing society (new forms of expansion and suppression). Ideology itself has become a means of launching the execution of ways to resolve the main contradiction of capital.

Accordingly, in the period before 1914, the first stage of development of industrial society was completed-the formation of CAPITALISM, in which there were three stages and imperialism was its highest stage.

This stage (imperialism) was characterized by the concentration of capital, the globalization of processes and the launch of militarization not only as a form of force coercion, confrontation and political management, but also as an analog, or rather one of the prototype of financial bubbles. A niche in which resources taken from society are thrown off, which cannot be adequately used by representatives of capital for the benefit of society, since they destroy the integrity of the system of exploitation, which is the basis of their power.

In the period 1914-1918 there was a transformation of society and its transition to the second stage of industrial production.

As we can see, in the second stage of industrial society, in the first stage of 1919-1933, a fascist formation was established in several industrialized countries. In 1933-1945, an attempt was made to establish a revolutionary new social structure based on the functional of capital-Nazism (oligarchism or ultra-imperialism according to Kautsky), which implies not the slow destruction of excess labor resources, the absolute globalization of capital, and the complete substitution of capital for state structures.

The failure of global processes (deviation from compliance with the development funnel) led to the formation of a socially oriented structure in Russia in 1917. This structure has undergone several transformations: from the complete prohibition of private property (the introduction of war communism), to its resolution (through the launch of NEP), and then the prohibition of any form of exploitation, but not the prohibition of private ownership of the means of production.

Since private ownership of the means of production was allowed, we can say that a progressive form of social management was established in the form of the social structure Progressivism, combining the strengths of social justice and motivational material impact identical to capitalist society. The destruction of motivational incentives, the complete prohibition of private ownership of the means of production, carried out by the party nomenclature led by Khrushchev, brought the social structure from the formation of Progressism to the formation of Socialism. These actions later led to the degradation and degeneration of both the management system and all members of society. The accumulated crisis mass at some point brought down socially-oriented structures. This was confirmed in similar processes not only in the USSR, but also in other socialist countries. Only those systems where limited private ownership of the means of production was present or introduced survived.

The self-destruction of the progressive system was based on the fact that the public masses were excluded from direct control, through a representative Deputy corps, which inevitably distorted public signals and allowed manipulative actions of those in power to be carried out, and allowed the processes of rebirth to be launched.

Accordingly, the prohibition of private ownership of the means of production is a systemic error of socially oriented structures. [Such a ban leads to the destruction of the principle of personnel selection, leads to negative non-competitive selection.] At the same time, allowing the exploitation of man by man, and even more so refusing to restrict and control private property, leads to their inevitable destruction. Removing the masses from direct government also destroys the socially oriented structure.

Therefore, the solution looks like this: private property is allowed, exploitation is prohibited.

All processes in society develop in strict accordance with their internal logic, which is determined by the action of strictly defined laws. And they cannot be considered separately or interpreted as exceptions to the rules. Or take it out of the General context of development as you practice. The potential for revolutionary renewal can be accumulated in a society, but the failure of revolutionary processes leads to a slower, gradual development, i.e., an evolutionary one.

The basic law that determines the development of an industrial society based on the functional of capital is-the main contradiction of capital and the implementation of one or another way to resolve it. But that's not all.

Based on the experiments of D.Desora, D. B. Calhoun, as well as research and descriptions by P. A. Kropotkin, C. Darwin, K. F. Kessler, N. A. Severtsov, T. G. Huxley, O. A. Forel, Mccook, Bremom, Latard, M. perty, L. Buchner, wood, G. Stansbury we know that society is affected by three main socio-biological laws.

Why socio-biological, how can you combine what is not combined? The fact that the number of species determines social behavior that revealed Didier desor, but social behavior determines the survival of the species, revealed in his work, John brown Calhoun, that is vzaimodeistvie laws, which resolves the logical contradiction.

This Association is true only for higher order laws of which there are only three:

1. the Law of degeneracy, revealed by Calhoun, through the experiments "universe 25".

2. the law of mutual aid, identified by Darwin, Kessler and Kropotkin.

3. the Law of intraspecific struggle revealed by Darwin and Wallace.

The following social structures have been historically confirmed and theoretically predicted at the second stage of industrial production:

Communism is a technogenic solution. The contradiction is resolved not by a limited increase in production. This, in turn, leads to the launch of degradation processes and the collapse of society, since individuals do not need to maintain social structures to address consumption issues. The processes of degeneration become difficult to reverse, and society initially breaks up into communes. (Relatively speaking, the capitalists are building the same communism for the elite.) Complete further self-disintegration and degradation of society. When a sufficient number of individuals of the human species survive, a return to the primitive communal system occurs.

Socialism - planned economy, denial of the right of private ownership of the means of production. Failure in the segment market, the creation of a non-motivated labor layer, a layer of social parasites. At the third stage, the system of self-defense of the society is activated, provided that no man-made increase in production is achieved. (theory of the society's self-defense system)

Progressism-redirection of released labor resources to the social and scientific sectors. As a result, the economic contradiction is resolved, parasitism in society is minimal, and the highest level of education and social services is provided.

Fascism-launching methods of covert destruction of extra people. Currently, it is actively used by developed industrial countries. It should be noted a wide variety of covert methods of extermination of "excess" population in this formation is the organization of military action, coercive or covert sterilization of the population (for example: vaccinations causing infertility), the destruction of the family institution, the destruction of gender orientation, the creation of unbearable economic conditions for the existence (leading to suicide), the state organization of suicide - euthanasia, the development of poisons and GMO products, the establishment of new diseases and much, much more. In fact, capital is carrying out genocide against the population of economically developed countries, including Russia, which is a prelude to the mass and simultaneous extermination of the majority of the population on the planet, which is necessary for the transition to a kind of new slave - owning formation-Oligarchism, based on a new technological order. While maintaining the numerical population of the society, while avoiding the launch of processes of systematic destruction of the population, on the basis of MAXIMUM social protest activity, a self-defense system is triggered, which translates it into the Progressivism formation.

Oligarchism (Nazism) - immediate destruction of extra people. Technogenic destruction of society. If a sufficient number of individuals survive, society returns to the slave system.

The closest correspondence of the political views of the ruling class to the type of formation:







In the formation of communism, the dominant class is absent, society undergoes a breakdown into communes and the growth of anarchic ideas at first. With the further development of the processes, the ideas of anarchism undergo changes and flow into apolitism - absolute indifference to the political life of the community of free people, due to the absence of any political struggle in society.

Generalization and systematization of this information allows us to build a matrix of formations of the second stage of industrial society.

Fig. 1. Matrix of formations of the second stage of industrial society.

The development of society in the vector of mutual assistance inevitably leads to a subsequent change in the physiology of information exchange and processing.

Objectively assessing the current processes of hidden extermination, we can say that society is in the formation of Fascism. Which has three stages of evolutionary development: financialism, liberalism, and globalism.

financialism - the Bretton woods system, a set of measures that ensure the leveling of crisis phenomena through a system of monetary incentives. (Excellent analytical material in the work of the author under the pseudonym Alexander Pokryshkin https://yadi.sk/i/my_kyBYx3N5b... And my criticism of this work http://storeideas.info/doc/rec...)

liberalism - liberal fascism, initialization of the processes of hidden extermination of superfluous people

globalism - is the last stage, the destruction and suppression of national systems, the preparation of the transition to a system of open totalitarian governance with elements of the Nazi solution of social problems based on methods of explicit destruction of superfluous people and the establishment of a new technogenic slavery.

The third stage of development of fascist society is globalism, the most unstable, and it is at this stage that a return to a progressive society based on the social activity of the masses is possible. The only condition for such a guaranteed transition is to avoid a world war that destroys the vast majority of the population of industrial countries.

Today's failure of the third stage of development of fascist society inspires hope for the activation of social structures, the growth of self-awareness of all members of society (primarily the governing elite), the transformation and transition of society into a progressive form of social structure.

Sincerely, V. N. Konyukov


It  seems to Me that you are a little superficial about the analysis of processes, studying only a beautiful wrapper in which something very, very unpleasant is wrapped.

Answer: v, trojan 1940 November 18, 2018

Valery Konyukhov. Dear Valery! You are wrongly attributing an error in the stage definition to me. The stage was determined not by me,but by V, I. Lenin, by means of the main features that he had identified. You want to create your own school of understanding socio-economic development that is not related to Marxism. Create. Publish. Your thoughts may become a kind of outline for publication in electronic media. Good luck! Sincerely, Vladimir Troyan.


Under socialism, private ownership of the means of production is prohibited. You can call fascism a liberal democracy, but you can't hide its true animal face. Just look at the statistics of the destruction (for official purposes, the decline) of our population. So Progressivism can be called socialism with Chinese characteristics, but its true essence does not change. I conditionally divide the progressive structure of society into three forms.

Left form, center and right.

Which of them is implemented is always determined by the level of implementation of civil rights and the degree of control of social parasitism. This implies open voting, reducing social parasitism to a minimum, and direct election of all key officials, a reasonably short term of office, and a multi-party system. Unfortunately, I don't recall any implementation in history. The right form is correspondingly inclined to degenerate into fascism, the left into socialism.

Social systems in relation to private ownership of the means of production:

Communism-no private property

Socialism-private property is prohibited

Progressivism-private property is restricted and controlled

Fascism-private property is not restricted

Oligarchism-private property suppresses public property

Since parasitism in the social structure of Progressism is always lower than in the social structure of Fascism and Socialism, it inevitably has higher economic indicators and within 20 years is separated from the rest of the world in terms of scientific achievements. We just weren't allowed to do it in 1941. And they were able to implement this only after the war.

Limited private property in the USSR during the Stalinist period was realized on the basis of artels, collective farms, and cooperatives.

To move to progressive management methods with minimal shocks, I propose the implementation of a number of solutions:

1. Launching an economic mechanism that formats the social structure and eliminates the crisis manifestations of bourgeois society [allowing the transition to a society without exploitation].

This solution is based on creating a closed money circulation loop in addition to the existing one.

This system was used in the USSR and showed the highest economic efficiency, allowing the economy to develop up to 30% per year and maintain social structures of any complexity.

I am very glad that academician Glazyev S. Yu. supports such a decision.

2. Open roll-call vote.

You can always double-check the vote of each voter. The possibilities of manipulation and deception are reduced to almost zero, which means that this is a mechanism for implementing the direct will of the people.

Arguments against are always broken down by law enforcement practice. If your society has a well-established mechanism for protecting voters, and in a progressive society there can be no other way, the open expression of one's will is the highest manifestation of public democracy.

3. Short term of parliamentary powers and unicameral Parliament.

All deputies without exception are elected annually for a term of 1 year.

How can they lie and deceive? How to steal? How to delay and refuse to adopt

the necessary laws?

They will not be able to do this, because "they will immediately get a kick in the ass and go to hell."

You are again implementing the mechanism of implementing the people's will.

Over time, deputies will lose the right to pass laws. They will only have the right to initiate discussions and work with public opinion. I considered some aspects of these issues in my work "Neural connections of public administration".

The adoption of laws is carried out by a qualified majority - 2/3 of those who voted (67%), with a smaller number of votes, the law must be repealed.

The vote of the voters is carried out through a personal online account. Open source software and standing committees of opposition parties will not allow the abuse of electronic innovation.

4. Direct election of the President, Prosecutor General, and judges of the highest category. Their term of office is short (1 year for the Prosecutor General and Judges). Independent financing of the judicial structure in the amount of a certain percentage of the country's budget.

These decisions will make it possible to establish the main thing-social justice and government accountability.

This is the shortest program to achieve the goal and the most difficult to implement.

Everything else - both social justice and social security-follows from the achievement of these goals.

How can I visualize a progressive model? Imagine any convex surface, try to put a ball on it. The ball will fall to the left, then to the right, it is very difficult to find the perfect balance point, and the further away from the top, the higher the speed of movement. The only solution to be stable at the highest point is intensive rotation, in other words, responsible leadership based on scientific knowledge and direct implementation of the public will.


Stage 3 of the formation of capitalism-Imperialism had another extremely important function and role: the destruction of unnecessary people and the resolution of domestic political problems through military action. Creating a" natural", transitional form of their destruction. In other words, creating prerequisites for the hidden or explicit destruction of" extra " people.

Unfortunately, the society does not have a single extra person.we will consider the evidence for this statement in the theory of techno-demographic correlation.

Complete diagram of industrial society with description of technocratic scissors:

Of course, a return is only possible if a sufficient number of representatives of this humanoid species survive, otherwise another species will take its place:

Fig. 2. Complete diagram of industrial society with the display of conditional technocratic scissors.

Sapiensism -intelligent society. A type of social structure in which management is based on a comprehensive understanding of the nature of social processes. There is no exploitation in such a society. Classes that remain in the Progressism structure are leveled and transformed. Comprehensive measures of social and personal motivation are used. Each member of the society applies deliberate self-restriction of consumption in the presence of virtually unlimited production opportunities for each of them. Availability of direct cycle technologies. Money exchange transactions are mostly part of traditions.

The latter type of social structure is not described or disclosed by me, since premature provision of information causes more harm than good, throwing off scientific development, slowing it down.

This was the case with this work, which the representatives of the left movements rejected because they were not ready to realize it.

Weaknesses of the presented theory and some critical points.

1. Oligarchism and Communism belong to the second stage of industrial society. But the fact is that in these structures, the emergence and application of direct transformation technologies characteristic of the third stage of industrial society – Sapiensism-is possible. Due to the non-durability of the structures of Communism and Oligarchism, these technologies receive limited development.

2. I point out that there is no exploitation in the Progressive structure, and at the same time I point out the preservation of classes, which is mutually exclusive. There is indeed a possible moment of uneven transformation of society in the transition to third-cycle technologies.

3. Axiom 6 is the most reproachful. Indeed, the process of thinking is not fully known. But at the same time (and I can only judge this by my behavior), we do not control a lot of natural actions, we do it automatically, just as we accept the way of thinking and actions of society, whether we sometimes want it or not. Some phenomena are simply part of our daily life.

4. I have indicated the existence of three socio-biological laws. Logically, this perfectly justifies why it is three and more can not be. But if the fourth law is found, the whole construction goes to hell. We cannot consider the process of regression as a separate fourth law, since its occurrence is determined by the action of the first three.

5. The main and the key objection. On the matrix of industrial formations, I indicated an obstacle in the form of knowledge. Meanwhile, we are constantly faced with the fact that any knowledge is not an insurmountable barrier to the greed and selfishness of people. Whether this will be enough to stop the processes of development towards self-destruction, I really do not know. Perhaps the processes of self-destruction are predetermined.

Conclusion, results, conclusions.

This work significantly expands our knowledge about society, significantly clarifying social development.

It provides a scientific basis for specific economic decisions and refutes the anti-human theories of Nazism and fascism. At the same time, it also points to the fallacy of building pure socialism.

Practice is the criterion of truth, which speaks in favor of the stated conclusions.

Further development of the scientific theory of society will either be based on the conclusions presented in this paper, or require their refutation.

Bibliographic list:

[1] F. Engels. Development of socialism from utopia to science. K. Marx, F. Engels, SOBR. soch., ed. 2 vol. 19, p. 228.

[2] Kropotkin P. A. Anarchy: Collection / Comp. and Preface by R. K. Balandin

M.: iris-press, 2002. - 576 p. - (Library of history and culture)

[3] Calhoun, John. Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population // Proc. roy. Soc. Mad.. — 1973. — Vol. 66, no. 2. — P. 80—88. — PMID 13875732.

[4] "Faits comme des rats ?" (FR.) — a documentary about the experiments Didier Dezor, University of Nancy-2, 2009.


    Гибель "великого артиста". Зеленский и Нерон

    "Какой великий артист погибает!" - провозгласил, умирая 9 июня 68 года от Р.Х. совершил самоубийство, потеряв надежду избежать ареста и казни победившими мятежниками Луций Домиций Агено...

    МИД Таджикистана заявил о массовых отказах во въезде в Россию

    Сотни граждан Таджикистана застряли на КПП «Саргарчин» на границе Казахстана и России, сообщило агентство «Азия-Плюс». МИД обсудил с послом России сложности при пересечении гра...

    Ваш комментарий сохранен и будет опубликован сразу после вашей авторизации.

    0 новых комментариев

      Ilia Narodn 21 февраля 19:14

      Немного о нацистской пропаганде.

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVyh7o8V99M Сама по себе нацистская пропаганда - это метода подавления критичности мнения личности.Не важно что она скроена из одной лжи, не важно, что в ней на каждом шагу не стыковки - важно что бы эта пропаганда лилась непрерывно и повторялась массами, только в этом случае, массы начинают её повторять и на основе соци...
      Ilia Narodn 20 августа 2022 г. 15:12

      О трудовых ваучерах, свободе, эксплуатации и рабстве.

      - Что вы думаете о трудовых ваучерах, за которые выступал Карл Маркс? - Спасибо мой друг за такой вопрос. Ответ я набросал давно, но взял паузу для дополнительного анализа. Поэтому отвечаю не сразу. В работе «Основная функция Капитала» в разделе «Этапы развития труда» я обосновывал, что формы труда всегда могут иметь добровольное или вынужденное начало....
      Ilia Narodn 18 июля 2022 г. 17:10

      Системообразующие факторы формирования личности. Пять стадий принятия неизбежного.

      Лекция рекомендуется для персонала осуществляющего деятельность в жёстких конкурентных условиях рынка. Значительно повышает его мотивацию и достижение плановых показателей деятельности предприятия.Введение.  Мы существуем в постоянном окружении других людей. Нас учат, кормят, лечат, подготавливают к жизни, а затем и передают полномочия в отношении ...
      Ilia Narodn 20 июня 2022 г. 18:36

      О курсе рубля.

          У меня складывается ощущение, что те кто говорит о курсе национальной валюты в 70-80 рублей за доллар в принципе не понимают происходящих процессов и оторваны от реальности.А ведь это базовое, ключевое понимание макроэкономики, рынка валют и соотношений покупательской способности.Итак: у нас есть валюта подкреплённая национальной экономико...
      Ilia Narodn 9 июня 2022 г. 18:40

      Идеология развития — Прогрессизм.

      Идеология – это система концептуально оформленных идей, которая выражает интересы, мировоззрение и идеалы различных субъектов политики — классов, наций, общества, политических партий, общественных движений — и выступает формой санкционирования существующего в обществе господства и власти (консервативные идеологии) или радикального их преобразования (иде...
      Ilia Narodn 9 июня 2022 г. 17:17


      У меня в друзьях есть китайские товарищи, надеюсь Вы будете способствовать распространению данной информации.  И хотя я Си Цзиньпина очень уважаю, но в данном случае вопрос принципиальный!Сегодня я наткнулся на псевдонаучный опус.  Поэтому я намеренно и надеюсь достаточно точно им в морду кинул пригоршню говна:  "Я один вижу идиотизм ситу...
      Ilia Narodn 21 мая 2022 г. 17:42

      По вопросу ВТО.

      В информационном поле развернулась полемика между Председателем КПРФ А.Зюгановым и Главой Минэкономразвития М.Г.Решетниковым.Моё негативное отношение к А.Зюганову Вам известно, не намерен его скрывать. Тем не менее считаю позицию А.Зюганова в данном вопросе абсолютно верной и оправданной.Аргументы возражения М. Решетникова с моими контраргументами и ремарками:-М.Г.Р. ...
      Ilia Narodn 15 мая 2022 г. 04:34

      Что такое двухконтурная экономическая система и в чём её отличие.

      Обычный денежный контур как работает? Кризис - деньги изымают из оборота и переводят в валюту, покупают акции зарубежных фирм скидывая с рук отечественные. Выделенные государством денежные средства на поддержку населения пройдя короткий путь из кармана до банка тут же выплёскиваются на финансовый рынок усугубляя ситуацию. Получается самовозбуждаемая кризисная модель, ...
      Ilia Narodn 10 мая 2022 г. 11:24

      Homo nazismus.

      Работа с возражениями по теории техно-демографической корреляции.MadLynxВ промышленном обществе численность членов его вида всегда недостаточна! - Это вот это главный факт?Или про техно-демографическую, прости господи, зависимость?Так вот все течение человеческой истории, последние 2-2,5 тысячи лет доказывают, что это не так, мягко говоря. Прочитал я эту ерунду в...
      Ilia Narodn 8 мая 2022 г. 10:32

      Теория техно-демографической корреляции.

      Формулировка теории: "Более высокий технический уровень развития гуманоидного вида, для его гарантированного выживания, требует большей численности и большего ареала расселения."Название кажется немного сложным – что такое техно-демографическая корреляция?  Термин корреляция достаточно понятен – это зависимость, взаимосвязь, в которой один фактор взаимосвязи...
      Ilia Narodn 29 апреля 2022 г. 16:24

      Что происходит и что дальше?

      Вводя двухконтурную экономику элита нашей страны сейчас отрезает себя от экономических процессов Запада.Если там, на «Западе» будет какой-то шок, кризис - нам до него будет «фиолетово» (то есть без разницы, безразлично).Два контура финансового обращения экономики решают все вопросы с кризисами, устраняя влияние внешних кризисов и предотвращая внутрен...
      Ilia Narodn 27 апреля 2022 г. 19:18

      Отчёт перед моими единомышленниками.

      Весной 2015 две основные работы: теория промышленного общества (https://cont.ws/@ilianarodn/225084 - выполнение 65-70%) и система самозащиты общества (https://cont.ws/@ilianarodn/225093 - выполнение 50%) мной были разосланы в каждый институт и вуз в России на факультеты истории, социологии, экономики, политэкономии.Три недели я копировал адреса емайл и ...
      Ilia Narodn 3 марта 2022 г. 21:15

      Новые "немецкие" слова и термины.

      "Остановлена прокачка газа по газопроводу "Ямал-Европа" через Польшу в Германию. По данным газотранспортного оператора Gascade, это произошло утром 3 марта – несмотря на то, что "Газпром" забронировал мощности трубопровода на весь день.Как сообщили в Gascade, прокачка газа в прямом направлении прекратилась в девять утра по московскому времени. Реверс голубого топлива ...
      Ilia Narodn 15 декабря 2021 г. 23:44

      Критика статьи Фарида Алмазова "Религия" изложенной в группе марксистская альтернатива.

      Как всё просто у автора: "Но если религия коренится в определённой классовой структуре эксплуататорского общества, то это значит, что преодолеть религию только путём распространения просвещения нельзя. Это можно сделать лишь путём уничтожения тех классов, чьи интересы защищает религия и которые поддерживают её существование."  https://vk.com/@...
      Ilia Narodn 6 ноября 2021 г. 19:07

      Критерий разума.

      Друзья доброго вечера. А вы задумывались над вопросом, что является критерием разума?Примерно 2-2,5 года я ломал над этим голову. Разные люди говоря о разных критерия. Но я пытался найти один единственный критерий который позволяет полноценно классифицировать любое живое существо разумным.Я нашёл этот критерий.---Это способность задавать вопросы.--...
      Ilia Narodn 23 сентября 2021 г. 01:41

      Cловарь терминов. Послесловие.

      Процессы деградации – процессы, при которых общество откидывается назад в вопросах технократического, социального, нравственного (и т.д.) развития, утрачивает навыки и технологии производства, упрощает структурные системы, переходит от более высоких форм к более низким, понижает и упрощает уровень организации, характеризуется уменьшением внутренних ...
      Ilia Narodn 23 сентября 2021 г. 01:38

      (ОФК) Заключение.

            Подведём обобщающий итог. На основе комплексного сопоставления различных способов разрешения основного противоречия капитала, мы видим, что положение запрета эксплуатации и необоснованного обогащения являются ключевыми при выстраивании выверенной и сбалансированной социальной системы, в которой сохраняется полный спектр мотив...
      Ilia Narodn 23 сентября 2021 г. 01:34

      Сравнительный анализ общественных систем.

           Меня всегда поражало то обстоятельство, что экономическая теория Маркса очень внимательно изучалась западными экономистами, но не получала своего естественного продолжения и развития. А ведь любая теория, какой бы совершенной она не была на момент создания, претерпевает неизменное преобразование в связи с развитием процессов, разраб...
      Ilia Narodn 23 сентября 2021 г. 01:30

      Способ разрешения основного противоречия КАПИТАЛА - Олигархизм.

      5. Прямое и немедленное истребление лишних трудовых ресурсов. Воссоздание трудовых ресурсов с ограниченным сознанием и подавлением воли.Данное теоретическое положение имеет ограниченное (не полное) историческое подтверждение.Общественная структура, созданная на основе подобного способа разрешения основного противоречия, является конечной общественной...
      Ilia Narodn 23 сентября 2021 г. 01:29

      Способ разрешения основного противоречия КАПИТАЛА - Фашизм.

      4. Скрытое истребление трудовых ресурсов косвенными методами (не прямое истребление).Данное теоретическое положение имеет историческое подтверждение.Общественная структура, созданная на основе подобного способа разрешения основного противоречия, является переходной общественной формой, обладает способностью самовосстановления, соответствует общественной...
      Служба поддержи
