For those not familiar with Asimov’s trilogy, The Mule was a powerful mentalic mutant, warlord, and conqueror who posed the greatest threat to the Seldon Plan. В общем, сравнивают Мула, Трампа, привлекая Исаака Азимова и Глубинное гос-во

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Was Trump 'The Mule'?

Tyler Durden's Photo


WEDNESDAY, FEB 24, 2021 - 17:40

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Bunring Platform blog,

“Excellence, he is known as the Mule. He is spoken of little, in a factual sense, but I have gathered the scraps and fragments of knowledge and winnowed out the most probable of them. He is apparently a man of neither birth nor standing. His father, unknown. His mother, dead in childbirth. His upbringing, that of a vagabond. His education, that of the tramp worlds, and the backwash alleys of space. He has no name other than that of the Mule, a name reportedly applied by himself to himself, and signifying, by popular explanation, his immense physical strength, and stubbornness of purpose.”      https://www.zerohedge.com/poli...

- Isaac Asimov, Foundation and Empire

“The fall of Empire, gentlemen, is a massive thing, however, and not easily fought. It is dictated by a rising bureaucracy, a receding initiative, a freezing of caste, a damming of curiosity—a hundred other factors. It has been going on, as I have said, for centuries, and it is too majestic and massive a movement to stop.”

– Isaac Asimov, Foundation

In March 2017, a mere two months after the stunningly unexpected victory of Donald Trump over the Deep State hand picked representative of dark forces – Hillary Clinton, I wrote a three-part article based upon Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy, attempting to connect Trump’s elevation as the Gray Champion of this Fourth Turning to the plot of Asimov’s masterpiece. The three articles: Foundation – Fall of the American Galactic Empire; Foundation and Empire: Is Donald Trump the Mule?; and Second Foundation: Empire Crumbling, landed with a dud, generating few views and not many comments.

I thought it was a creative look at the fledgling Trump presidency, a Deep State intent on destroying him, integrated within the context of Asimov’s story of galactic subterfuge, controlling populations through mathematical mechanisms, and the rise of an individual upending the plans of elitists. I chalked up the dis-interest to the fact many people had never read the books, therefore could not relate to the comparison between Trump, the Mule, and Hari Seldon’s plan.

The other possibility was the fact I was already pondering Trump failing in his effort to defeat the Deep State and drain the Swamp. Trump supporters were still ecstatic with their victory, believing he could defeat the dark forces aligned against him, and resistant to the thought he might lose. Four years later, with the perspective of what has happened, we can honestly assess the suppositions I made in that article.

For those not familiar with Asimov’s trilogy, The Mule was a powerful mentalic mutant, warlord, and conqueror who posed the greatest threat to the Seldon Plan.

The plan involves the two Foundations. The First Foundation is the bastion of physical science and political order while the Second Foundation is a covert group of people hidden away who are experts in mentalics and psychohistorical prediction. Seldon’s science of psychohistory was outstanding at predicting the behavior of large populations but worthless in trying to predict what an individual might do.

The emergence of the Mule, a mentalic mutant with an acute telepathic ability to modify the emotions of human beings, could not have been predicted by the Seldon Plan, focused as it was on the statistical movements of vast numbers of peoples and populations across the galaxy. The Mule’s acute telepathic ability to modify the emotions of human beings derailed one of the basic assumptions of Hari Seldon’s psychohistory – that, in general, the responses of human populations to given stimuli will remain the same.

The Mule was the unpredictable variable in the equations of history and the greatest threat to the Seldon Plan. He disrupts the inevitability of the continued evolution of the First Foundation and potential early ending of the Dark Age. The Mule, through telepathic manipulation, defeats and takes over the Foundation’s growing empire, which has become increasingly control-oriented and out-of-touch with the outer planets in its rapidly expanding realm of influence.

The term mule invokes feelings of strength, stubbornness, and the ability to power forward despite obstacles. That description fits Trump perfectly and his ability to inspire millions of Americans through emotional appeals to patriotism and demonizing his left wing political and media enemies. His powers of persuasion weren’t mentalic, but his appeal to flyover country Americans was baffling to the liberal elites on the coasts and the RINOs who pretended to be conservative but were nothing more than grifters and neo-con warmongers.

I did not associate Hari Seldon with any particular person on the scene today when I wrote my article in 2017. Hari Seldon was an intellectual who created the Foundation, made up of other academic intellectuals. Then he set up a Second Foundation of even more talented intellectuals as a backup plan in case the Foundation failed. I saw Seldon and his ensemble of elitist academics and intellectual snobs as pompous control freaks on par with the Washington DC and Wall Street elitists like Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Yellen, Powell, Dimon and Buffet. They constitute the Foundation.

The Second Foundation was hidden in plain sight, operating in the shadows, unknown to the masses, and controlling the galaxy from behind the curtain. They were the Galactic Deep State.

I now see the Seldon character as Bill Gates, a college dropout geek who lucked into becoming a multi-billionaire with one decent idea, who now portrays himself as an expert in medical science, vaccines, farming, climate change, population right sizing, social media censorship and politics.

His billions entitle him to pontificate his psycho-babble propaganda on captured corporate media outlets, much like Seldon using his psychohistory to predict the future. Billionaire egos are immense. Gates flies on his private jet around the world spewing CO2 while preaching the gospel of lockdowns, drinking reprocessed piss, and forcing the masses to eat synthetic beef and bugs to save the planet.

I see the Second Foundation as representative of the Deep State. This amalgamation of the likes of Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Clinton, Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Dorsey, Cook, Schmidt, Schwab, and plethora of other sociopaths in the government, media, military, academia, and corporate world spent the last four years attempting to neutralize and neuter Donald Trump (aka The Mule). These affluent, highly educated, narcissistic, sanctimonious, malevolent scumbags, who believe they are the smartest men in the world, operate behind the scenes as the invisible government, manipulating the mechanisms of society and pulling the wires controlling the public mind.

There is virtually no difference between Seldon’s psychohistory and Bernays’ propaganda. These sociopaths believe they are entitled to run the world as they choose, with no input or resistance from the ignorant masses allowed. When the basket of deplorables rose up and elected Trump, the Deep State went into overdrive to nullify and defeat him. My prediction about his presidency came to be, with my ending question still up for debate:

His first two months in power will likely reflect his entire presidency. The Washington establishment and sinister Deep State players will attempt to thwart Trump’s every move. They have already impeded his immigration controls and attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, while using their illegal surveillance state techniques to undermine his administration. The surveillance agencies, who are supposed to act on his behalf, are clearly trying to subvert his presidency. Leaks and fake news designed to sabotage the credibility of Trump and his administration will continue. Will the fear of retribution from mysterious surveillance state operatives convince Trump to fall into line and become a submissive lackey, no longer making waves for the Deep State?

The level of Deep State interference to undermine the Trump presidency reached extreme levels after those first two months of relatively minor meddling. What followed was a three-year Russia-gate farce as the DOJ, FBI and CIA conspired with Obama to unseat Trump by creating a fake Russia interference narrative based on a bullshit dossier, using it to have Comey weaponize the FBI against a duly elected president. Then his AG swamp creature allowed Mueller and his Hillary supporting cronies to torture Trump for two years before calling it quits with absolutely no charges. All along, the left-wing media cackled and crowed, producing a prodigious amount of fake news, which was duly called out by Trump.

The unrelenting negative coverage, despite successes on many fronts by Trump, revealed the true nature of the Deep State coup to overthrow a sitting president. The never-ending coup was ramped up again in 2019 as Pelosi and her flying monkeys – Chinese spy-shagger, Swalwell (aka the farter) and the socialist squad of hate mongers, drummed up a fake impeachment against Trump based upon a phone call regarding actual provable Biden family corruption in the Ukraine. The impeachment was a dead-on arrival political stunt to disparage Trump going into the election year.

But the Deep State coup de grace for cancelling and castrating Trump (aka The Mule) was the Covid conspiracy, which fell into the laps of Trump’s enemies through the accidental or purposeful release of a highly contagious, highly non-lethal flu virus from a Chinese bio-weapon lab, funded by Fauci and other U.S. governmental entities. After the impeachment charade imploded in January, and the Democrat presidential field of dementia patients, communists, whores, and morons pathetically made their case to replace Trump, a November victory seemed assured for Trump, as the economy was OK and the stock market was booming.

But then they were presented with a faux crisis, and as everyone knows – you can never let a good crisis go to waste. The Deep State, democratic governors, democratic mayors, the left-wing loving media, the Silicon Valley social media billionaire censorship tyrants, and Big Pharma combined forces to turn the nation into quivering cowering masked sheep, begging to be corralled and sheered by traitorous lying authoritarians demanding their acquiescence.

Throwing in systematic racism, elevating violent felon scum to sainthood, encouraging BLM and ANTIFA terrorists to burn cities, assault police, storm the White House, and blaming it all on Trump was a genius move. By using the Covid hysteria as a cover for demanding unlimited and uncontrolled mail-in voting, with no signature verification or time limits on counting votes, the Democrats assured themselves of certain victory in the limited number of swing states.

And still, Trump was on his way to victory again as of midnight on election night. This is when a halt was called by the Deep State, Dominion voting machines were “re-programmed” and suitcases full of “newly discovered” mail-in ballots appeared, with 97% of the votes going to Dementia Joe. He truly had put together the best election fraud team in history. That is why he never needed to leave his basement during the campaign.

Despite hundreds of documented accounts of massive voter fraud, eye witness accounts of fraudulent mail-in ballots, statistical analysis proving what supposedly happened with voting machines could not possibly happen, and the absolute laughability of Basement Biden actually getting 80 million votes, the Deep State co-conspirators closed ranks and did not allow Trump and his team a fair day in court to make their case. They had successfully stolen the election and accomplished their four-year long coup.

In order to ensure Trump did not rise again, Pelosi and her compadres used Trump’s powers of persuasion against him, by exploiting his peaceful January 6 rally in DC, as a means to lure some of his useful idiot supporters into entering the Capitol (with the Capitol police opening the doors), enticed by a bunch of ANTIFA/BLM provocateurs and taking selfies, stealing podiums, and milling around, until one of them got shot.

This fake news “armed insurrection” (despite no firearms used or confiscated) was then weaponized by Pelosi and her useful idiot followers to conduct an even more farcical impeachment of a president who was already out of office, playing golf in Florida. This tempest in teapot clown show of idiocracy played out over a few days, breathlessly covered by the MSNBC dullards and CNN dimwits, until it died under its own weight of superficial lunacy, with the Chief Justice refusing to preside and Democrat prosecutors caught doctoring evidence.

This failure to drive a stake through the heart of mule-headed Trump and insure he does not rise from the dead in 2024 to assume power once again, will not stop his vast number of enemies from keeping him stuck in Florida to live out his days on this earth as a failed president. Soros funded attorney generals across the land will hound Trump and his family with legal entanglements unless he promises to be a non-participant in government forever. Will the fear of financial retribution and consequences from a legal system that is stacked in favor of his enemies convince Trump to stand down? In my four-year-old article I asked these questions:

Will Trump’s reign resemble the reign of The Mule? The Mule’s conquest was astonishingly fast. He defeated the Foundation and established the Union of Worlds after only five years. The unpredictability of his arrival and rare mental talents befuddled the Foundation. Then he inexplicably paused in his campaign of conquests. Instead, he launched repeated expeditions in search of the Second Foundation. The Second Foundation, through unyielding pressure and generating fear of the unknown into the mind of The Mule, was able undermine his plans of conquest and turn him into a non-disruptive, toothless, nonthreatening, passive figurehead. As Trump’s best laid plans are obstructed, agenda foiled, and legislation hindered, will his enthusiasm for governance wane?

Based on what I have seen since the January 6 staged event at the Capitol, it appears Trump’s will to fight has subsided, even though he will continue to do interviews and give speeches to burnish his image as an outsider, continuing to fight for his 75 million followers. His influence didn’t help win the two Georgia run-off elections. It is highly unlikely he runs for president again in 2024.

He will utilize his popularity to invigorate his real estate and potential media empire. It will be all about the Benjamin’s from here on out. He surprised himself with his unlikely victory in 2016 and will be busy writing his best- selling book about the adventure in the near future. Trump TV is practically a given, but he will not be anything more than a thorn in the side of the Deep State (Second Foundation) going forward. He will no longer be a legitimate threat to their Plan.

Trump was a disrupting factor, disturbing the best laid plans of the global elitist establishment and revealing the hidden agendas of the Deep State. He had no support from the GOP establishment. In most cases, they undermined his efforts. He hired them into his cabinet and they continuously stabbed him in the back. Having your supposed allies work against you, in cahoots with the Democrats, surveillance state apparatus, all the alphabet agencies, and 90% of the mainstream and social media propaganda machinery, and you come to the realization we are ruled by a Uni-party of globalist elite using their immense wealth to manipulate and control the masses.

Sociopaths like Gates, Soros, Schwab, and Obama believe they are the smartest men on the planet and can pull the strings, making the puppet masses do as they command. Based on the last year, it appears they are right. The neutralization of Trump has convinced themselves of their invincibility. Their hubris blinds them to the wisdom of the bible – Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Not only is the Great Reset, green new deal, communist doctrine implementation not going to reverse the downward spiral of the American Empire, but the last year of horrific political and financial decisions and imminent execution of the left-wing agenda through their empty senile vessel will accelerate the unavoidable collapse. MMT plus QE to infinity will surely solve all our problems.

The national debt went from $20 trillion when Trump was elected to $28 trillion today, and $30 trillion within the next year. It took 219 years to accumulate the first $10 trillion of debt, 9 years to accumulate the next $10 trillion of debt, and now less than five years to accumulate the next $10 trillion. Meanwhile, GDP has barely grown by 2% per year and household income has been stagnant for decades. Anyone who thinks this is sustainable, economically healthy, or representative of free market capitalism is either delusional or lying to promote their agenda of you owning nothing and being happy about it, while eating bugs and drinking processed piss.

Asimov’s trilogy documents the fall of the Galactic Empire, based upon the Fall of the Roman Empire, and written during the fall of the Third Reich. Whether Trump delayed or accelerated the Fall of the American Empire is inconsequential, as no one can reverse the coming collapse at this point. Technology does not improve human nature, create wisdom, or provide understanding. Humanity is incapable of change. The same weaknesses and self- destructive traits which have plagued us throughout history are as prevalent today as they ever were.

Empires are created by corruptible men whose failings, flaws, and desire for power, control and wealth never change. Decades of blunders, awful decisions, incompetent leadership, dishonesty and unconcealed treachery have paved a pathway to ruin for the American Empire. The outward appearance of strength disguises the internal rot, which will be revealed when the coming storm arrives with suddenness and a surprising fierceness.

“Mr. Advocate, the rotten tree-trunk, until the very moment when the storm-blast breaks it in two, has all the appearance of might it ever had. The storm-blast whistles through the branches of the Empire even now. Listen with the ears of psychohistory, and you will hear the creaking.”

– Isaac Asimov, Foundation

The American Empire is crumbling under the weight of military overreach; the totalitarian synergy between Big Tech and Big Gov.; destruction of the Constitution by traitorous surveillance state apparatchiks; the burden of unpayable debts; currency debasement; cultural decay; civic degeneration; diversity and deviancy trumping common culture and normality; pervasive corruption at every level of government; globalist agendas; and the failure of myopic leaders to deal with the real problems.

In the last year we have crossed our proverbial Rubi-covid, willingly trading our freedom and liberties for the perception of safety. We’ve past the point of no return. Asimov’s analogy of the wolf, horse and man has never been more apt than now. In our present- day version, the wolf is a China flu with a 99.7% survival rate that only kills the old and infirm. The horse is the American public (and most of the global population) living in constant fear of a non-lethal virus killing them at any moment. No matter how irrational, they desperately want to believe “experts” who authoritatively declare the steps necessary to save the world from this scourge.

The man is an amalgamation of Gates, Soros, Fauci, and the petty authoritarian politicians (Cuomo, Newsom, Whitmer, Wolf, Murphy) wielding power across the land. The man offered to save the horse from the wolf on condition of being given the power to disregard the Constitution, lockdown the country, destroy small businesses, create mass unemployment, mandate masks, crush free speech (except during BLM and ANTIFA riots), suspend the 4th Amendment, force experimental vaccinations upon the masses, and create $10 trillion of new debt, giving most of it to Wall Street, mega-corporations, and Big Pharma. And as an added benefit, get rid of a president who did not cooperate with their Global Reset agenda.

“A horse having a wolf as a powerful and dangerous enemy lived in constant fear of his life. Being driven to desperation, it occurred to him to seek a strong ally. Whereupon he approached a man, and offered an alliance, pointing out that the wolf was likewise an enemy of the man. The man accepted the partnership at once and offered to kill the wolf immediately, if his new partner would only co-operate by placing his greater speed at the man’s disposal. The horse was willing, and allowed the man to place bridle and saddle upon him.

The man mounted, hunted down the wolf, and killed him. “The horse, joyful and relieved, thanked the man, and said: ‘Now that our enemy is dead, remove your bridle and saddle and restore my freedom.’ “Whereupon the man laughed loudly and replied, ‘Never!’ and applied the spurs with a will.” – Isaac Asimov, Foundation

So, today we find ourselves one year into “15 days to slow the spread” and millions of “horses” have asked the “man” to remove their bridle and saddle and restore our freedom. Miraculously, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have plunged since the insertion of Dementia Joe into the White House by his Deep State handlers. The vaccine and mask propaganda campaigns are being ratcheted up, emperor Gates is on TV every other day expounding on covid, climate, synthetic food, population control, and the need for more control by billionaires like himself.

As millions demand their freedoms back, Gates, Fauci, Soros and Schwab laugh loudly and proclaim we can never go back to the way it was. They will apply the spurs of the “New Normal” and “Great Reset”. We failed to heed the wisdom of Ben Franklin and will pay a heavy price for our cowardice and subservience to totalitarian global elitists. The Mule has been defeated.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Ben Franklin – 1775

* * *

The corrupt establishment will do anything to suppress sites like the Burning Platform from revealing the truth. The corporate media does this by demonetizing sites like mine by blackballing the site from advertising revenue. If you get value from this site, please keep it running with a donation.

1 day ago

Not sure if Trump was the Mule or not. I am, however, fairly certain Gates is the anti-christ and Fauci his lil demon minion.





1 day ago

I agree with your assessments regarding gates and fauci. Trump, just like Biden, was a draft dodger and an APAC bootlicker.





1 day ago

Politics is the direst arena you can enter. I wouldn't judge too harshly. And not everyone can or even should try to muster the military.




1 day ago


Make the cost to intern one of us

at least two brown shirts.



1 day ago

Isaac Asimov's foundation series, especially the parts about phyco-history are scary when you connect it to big data collection. There is no doubt his imagination was turned into real world application.

I highly recommend reading all of his books.... Twice or more.





1 day ago


Not a bad synopsis for an amateur production -- not in agreement with the Foundation Trilogy comparison.

The Rockefeller Plan is a 50-year plan: 1973 --- 2023; appears to have been partially disrupted and now on track and jacked up, so maybe 2023 will still be the endgame year after all!?

Understood the financial/economics of it but guessed it was either a merging of the CCP and Wall Street, definitely bolstered by Vice President Biden having signed that MOU with Xi Jinping during the Obama years, but may just be communist China in the ascendancy?!




1 day ago

Fauci would be the false priest.




1 day ago

You sure that ain't da Pope?




1 day ago

What does it matter? The public will read this, go ooh ahh, read the next article and five minutes later everything they read is forgotten. That is, until their grandkids asks them why they did nothing.




1 day ago

very few will read that whole article let alone understand it, or even fewer understand why it is wrong.

complicated systems fail, our world has turned very complicated.




1 day ago

What grandkids?

After they'll install the latest update from Gates, their systems will get the Blue Screen of Death.




1 day ago

No he is not, before i properly understood the term "anti-christ" I thought that the false prophet Muhammed was him, but he wasn't, because he never pretended to be Christ, and that is what Anti-Christ means, it is someone who takes the place of Christ, not someone who simply opposes him




1 day ago

I'm pretty sure Billy believes he is Jesus come again. ????‍♂️




1 day ago

No, No, He is a lot better equipped for his role than Jesus was for his! Bill has money, Money talks, what did Jesus have? Nothing that couldn't be neutered by technology!




1 day ago

...and China elected Biden.






1 day ago

That rumble vid is OK, but that Lindell Absolute Proof is more QQQQ--disinfo garbage --- sure wish you 4F rejects and 13-year old gamers understood basic networking --- sooo obviously misdirection!



1 day ago

Patent number on Bill Gates' microchip technology ... 060606





1 day ago

So, this guy like so many others, names Soros, Clinton, Obama, etc. as leaders of the Deep State, for some reason refusing to name the true players: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Lehman, Warburg, Loeb, etc. Why do these alleged "experts" refuse to look past the row of puppets and identify the ones who actually pull the strings?




1 day ago

Since they were exposed early last century, they have gone to great lengths to remain out of sight. A bit like trying to google early pics of Obama's kids.




1 day ago

True, but if I can find the information, certainly Jim Quinn can find it. I mean, hell, Carroll Quigley spells it out in Tragedy and Hope, it's not that difficult.




1 day ago

People who out them like James Corbett find it difficult to say the least to make a living as a journalist. So $ are the reason they don't mention them. I'm sure they know the truth.




1 day ago


Very few speak the Truth anymore. They don't want to have an untimely accident.




1 day ago

Well, not everyone has the testicular fortitude like Henry Ford (penning The International wɘᒐ)



1 day ago


Quigley, and anyone else who mentions C. Wright Mills in place of the great Ferdinand Lundberg, is still clueless.

Follow the Old Money: AEA Holdings Asia -- this fund no longer exists but did for several years back 10 years ago to pump billions to certain Chicom players.

AEA Investors -- parent guys -- was one of the first two private equity firms to exist: Rockefeller, Harriman, Mellon and S.W. Warburg -- the other Warburg of Pincus Warburg was the other PE firm.




1 day ago

WD, either because they aren't that expert, or because they wish to trigger the 'Someone is wrong on The Internet' folk. https://xkcd.com/386/

How few are those who recognise presidents as puppets?




1 day ago

Pretty much everyone, I guess. There are a few people starting to wake up, but not enough.




1 day ago

You forget the British central bank and "royals". An endless number of blue blooded parasites.




1 day ago

The same players own the Bank of England as well as the European CB, all the same players. The "royals" certainly play a role but they don't pull the strings.




1 day ago

The royals do pull strings but not all strings .




1 day ago


The royals are the landowners of the UK, but not top echelon, that much is correct.

The original contract between the City of London Corporation and the royals --- in perpetuity --- was that the Corporation leased out the choice real estate at frozen 1700 prices -- meaning a pence or so per acre -- and the royals in turn consistently raised those prices to today's prices.

(This was partially rescinded to only 40,000 more years in place of "in perpetuity" by Parliament in 2010 --- if you think I am kidding, look it up!)




20 hours ago

I believe you .



23 hours ago

They pull the strings they're told to pull, they don't decide which strings.




20 hours ago

The top masters likely do not know of all the strings that may exist . Hence , the royals likely have some hidden strings they can pull on their own .



1 day ago




1 day ago

Players at the end of the road chasing dreams of eternity, what worries us are collateral damage, damage to which they are indifferent, otherwise it would be very easy. This is what makes us different, us and them.



1 day ago

I've read a lot of Jim Quinn's stuff. Over there at BP, there is a lot of religious undertone, which I ignore.

Quinn & Co. believe the Antichrist to be the Soros', Gates, et.al. of the world when, in reality, the Antichrist is that angelic choir hidden off from the nave.




Show More Replies

1 day ago

Since this article doesn't mention pedophile criminal scum being protected by the FBI, it's irrelevant.

Saying this as a huge fan of the Foundation trilogy since around age 12.

But Trump isn't the beginning or end of our issues.

He caused many to reveal themselves and that is a good thing.

He also saved hundreds of thousands of lives as war nearly ended on Earth. Lives that were mostly young, and mostly non-white.

The precise opposite of the hideous plans of the globalist slave traffickers.

So please spare me the learned helplessness Trump-bashing.

He gave us a great gift.

And they cratered the Republic (Empire) to stop him.





1 day ago


I liked Trump for speaking out and blasting the Swamp. He opened many eyes on that front.

That said, I'm sure the Huber and Durham investigations will reveal all these ugly truths to the masses. Thousands of sealed indictments are set to go down.





1 day ago

I like how he outed all those that would farm people as cattle.

In return I would feed them all into a hopper to feed the maggots people are going to be expected to live on.




1 day ago

It is indeed the top layers of the FBI that are the greatest threat to the USA and to the peoples of all nations.

By protecting the powerful elite criminals, they are signing literally millions of death sentences.

And it really is that simple.




1 day ago

Corruption wins because it makes the cost of resistance too high. It subverts any long term considerations for the short term, immediate consequence...good or bad.

Integrity wins ONLY if people understand it is the foundation of society survival. We watch as the fires are lit, people are now scurrying about seeking position, safety, easily abandoning any pretense of principle and either self cancelling or getting in line to scream louder than the next of their great virtue as anti-white, anti-capitalist, Prop-Progressive. It only LOOKS like unity or collectivism, when in reality it is a vicious, every man for himself now. Progressive getting are their mob tattoos, conservatives digging their bunkers and stocking up for the siege.




1 day ago

People don't want 'Integrity' Oldwood they want Money, Money is the god of our time and people beg for its favor!



20 hours ago

The SCOTUS’ extremely poor decision re the issue of ballot-fraud does our Republic a disservice: It effectively allows even more ballot fraud going forward, or else ballot-integrity states are left to secede from an untenable Dictatorship.



1 day ago

Trump illuminated, but no person alone can destroy the deep state or cleanse the swamp. He turned the light on the cockroaches...and they howled...and fought back.

Meanwhile from the bleachers many of us cheered him on, while many others were busy undermining him and trying to bring him down.

It is clear to see in hindsight that his detractors were free to do as they wished, dirty, rotten, criminal, but nothing with consequence.

On the other hand, anyone who openly supported Trump was suspect, ripe for an investigation or at the very least cancellation. We see the wreckage everywhere, people's lives destroyed, bankrupted by investigations. We watch now as those supporting the election investigation are being sued for billions. We see congressmen demanding anyone supporting Trump...even before the election fraud or DC riots, be investigated as a subversive. People who worked in the Trump administration, thousands, be blackballed from any significant employment.

Is there any wonder we lost? Not the election....we lost our country, our constitutional NATION.




1 day ago

I kept waiting for those dozens of sealed indictments to hit the table. Simple minded me.




1 day ago

“Thousands” - fixed it.

weird how no one gets charged. Didn’t hire the right people isn’t an excuse.




1 day ago

Tens of thousands?



20 hours ago


The DOJ refused to follow Trump's orders; same with Haspel.



1 day ago

Maybe the single most important thing DJT did was to put gaping holes in peoples' blind faith in the MSM and official oracles incl. Big Tech & academia.

(for me, the most amazing thing was to see the academics (everywhere!) race to get aboard the plainly fascist PC/SJW/Wo[o]kista/BLM/antiphoid train - a lot like Martin Heidegger's nazi affiliation back in the 1930s.)



1 day ago


I don't know if Trump was the mule ... but Biden is the A.s.




1 day ago

Well put, very nice.




1 day ago


I don't know if Trump was the mule either ... but he certainly was Bibi's work horse.





1 day ago

All Trump did was bring together the silent majority in the world, not just USA and give us a voice. We now know our numbers, and when the elite push too far there will be another elected not by them, but us to speak in one voice ~ "Enough"





1 day ago

"When the elite push too far"...you mean, stealing an election, demolishing our economy and taking away our constitutional rights is not pushing too far?





1 day ago






20 hours ago

We need an amicable Divorce.



1 day ago

If it is not a Hitler that would go after them it makes no difference.




1 day ago


Well this was beautifully written. I honestly don't know what to do. What I actually am doing is a rough mix of nothing plus avoidance of anything political. I try not to remember anything recently political, for example the literal millions showing up to stomp and holler their support at the campaigning President's every whistle stop.

People who were around Trump in his final days thinly veil their recounting of a man who was betrayed but still looked around in disbelief for some kind of coalition to solve the steal. We knew that any very strong action, without some kind of bilateral support, was going to get everyone in worse trouble than we already were if not get him and his family shot by snipers atop all the book repositories in existence.

I don't want him back. There is no voting anymore anyway if there ever was. But that man, I'll tell ya, he carried the country with a stubborness gone past fictional to mythical. My own strange literary association is little Lucy Pevensie, inconsolable at the stone table where lay the murdered body of Aslan.




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    Немецкая пресса возмущена «публичным унижением» танка Leopard на выставке в Москве
    • sam88
    • Сегодня 11:40
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    Выставка трофейной военной техники, открывшаяся накануне на Поклонной горе в Москве, стала одной из главных тем западной прессы. Европейские издания не скрывают своего раздражения сами...

    «Москва подала нам пример»: Китай аплодирует тому, как Россия арестовала активы американского банка JPMorgan
    • amurweb
    • Сегодня 09:23
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    Валентин Катасонов: США больше не будут трогать «русские доллары»Арест в России активов и недвижимости американского финансового конгломерата JPMorgan Chase вызвал на Западе такой шок, ...

    Если к июню Россия нагрянет в Курахово, ВСУ придется быстро отступать до Чернигова

    У нас есть шанс на то, что в этом году ВСУ будут или бежать, или быстро отступать с Левобережья. А дальше все зависит от того, каким образом киевский режим попытается стабилизировать ли...

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    0 новых комментариев

      artemision 11 апреля 2023 г. 00:23

      Экономические субъекты только начинают осознавать сумму потерь, которые им нанесла и продолжает наносить новая , в т.ч. экономическая политика

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      artemision 10 апреля 2023 г. 14:59

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      artemision 27 марта 2023 г. 02:07

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      Почему не "умирают" офисы и не исчезают автомобили?Братерский Александр, обозреватель Finam.ru [Москву футурум еще не покажешь -- только портрет рассуждающий.]Пандемия COVID-19 способствовала серьезным изменениям в обществе. Нормой стала удаленная работа, которая привела к опустению офисов, а архитекторы и урбанисты задумались о качественном улучшении г...
      artemision 27 марта 2023 г. 01:04

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      О ПРЕДАТЕЛЬСТВЕ ПРАВЯЩЕГО КЛАССА ИЛИ ХОРОШО БЫТЬ СЧЕТОВОДОМ. НиколайПредательство бывает разным. Например, если муж регулярно гуляет от жены, то он её предаёт. Но если он зарабатывает достаточно денег, то семья может уцелеть, а если его ещё и на жену хватает, то супруги могут и до смерти остаться в браке. И обычно жене не предлагают убить предателя, а д...
      artemision 22 марта 2023 г. 16:55

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      artemision 22 марта 2023 г. 16:49

      И решил взяться за нашего Вильяма… тьфу!... КОНТа. Who is the КОНТ?

      О БЕДНОМ КОНТЕ ЗАМОЛВИТЕ СЛОВОСергей СюрсинСтатья писалась давно, да затерялась (как я предполагал). Но, в связи с мольбой хозяев КОНТа о поддержке рублём, решил поискать. И нашёл. Много интересного в то время можно было найти. Сейчас-то этого материала уже не найдёшь – всё основательно зачищено.     https://www.razumei.ru/blog/sesur/1189...
      artemision 22 марта 2023 г. 16:23

      Почему-то мобилизованные писали ... в губернию

      СЕВАСТЬЯНОВ АЛЕКСАНДР НИКИТИЧНА ВНЕШНИХ И ВНУТРЕННИХ ФРОНТАХСмотрю в перископчик во все стороны. Стараюсь замечать хорошее и плохое.Из позитивного – взятие Соледара и постепенное выдавливание ВСУ из Бахмута (мне это старинное название нравится больше, чем то, что дано в честь основателя Донецко-Криворожской республики Федора Сергеева, носившего псевдони...
      artemision 22 марта 2023 г. 16:13

      Введение «вкладов для бедных» станет подарком для «лжебедных», скрывающих свои доходы

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      Служба поддержи
