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Dhyana In Yoga Sutras

What is the meaning of Dhyana? It is contemplation, meditation. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, during Dhyana the attention is focused on the object of concentration stably, continuously. This concentration is a doorway of Samadhi, the highest and deepest state of consciousness. The term Dhyana is found both in the Yoga Sutras and in Buddhist canonical texts.


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a key text about yoga, in which you can know the philosophy and methods of yoga that existed long before the time of the creation of this text. It dates back to the first centuries AD, but the tradition is even older.

The Dhyana tradition developed in the Shraman culture in ancient India, which began before the sixth century AD.

A Sramaṇa (Sanskrit) or Samaṇa (Pali) is a person who labours for some higher purpose, or follows the path of asceticism. The Śramaṇic traditions influenced various forms of Hinduism.

In Hinduism, Dhyana is the process of combining the individual part of the self, called the Atman or Soul, with the supreme principle, the Absolute.

In the scriptures the term Dhyana is found in the corpus of texts in Vedic literature: the Brahmanas and Aranyakas, and it is also frequently mentioned in the Upanishads.

The Brahmanas is a section of Vedic literature that contains ritual, mythological, and philosophical explanations of even earlier writings.

Aranyaki — texts created for forest hermits.

Upanishads is knowledge given fr om teacher to student. The word «Upa-ni-shad» is translated as "sit near", that is, near the teacher.

In general, these writings are usually called Shruti which means «heard». These texts are insights, blessings, inspirations of the spiritual knowledge, which was heard by poetically gifted sages who wrote them.

The description of Dhyana is also found in the epic Mahabharata, the book Mokshadharma.

In general, the Yoga Sutras are a collection that base on ancient spiritual traditions. The main one is the Sankhya philosophy.

This philosophy considers reality and human experience as components of two principles — Prakriti (mind and emotions, nature or matter) and Purusha (consciousness or spirit). Practicing meditation, we overcome the limitations of the first level and connect with the second.

Learn more: https://en.meditation.study/me...

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